Μέλη ΔΕΠ του Τμήματος Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών ΔΙΠΑΕ | ||||
Ονοματεπώνυμο | Βασικό Πτυχίο | Μεταπτυχιακό | Διδακτορικό | Γνωστ. Αντικείμενο |
Ομότιμοι Καθηγητές: 1 | ||||
Γκότσης Πασχάλης | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών | Penn State University, Dept. of Engineering Mechanics & Science, USA | UCLA, Ca, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, USA | Εφαρμοσμένη Μηχανική και Δυναμική μηχανο-λογικών κατασκευών |
Καθηγητές: 3 | ||||
Δαυίδ Κωνσταντίνος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kaiserslautern, DE | Εργαλειομηχανές – Μηχανουργική Τεχνολογία |
Μωυσιάδης Αναστάσιος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | University of Bochum, DE | Ανυψωτικές & Μεταφορικές Μηχανές – Στοιχεία Μηχανών |
Χασάπης Δημήτριος | Dept. of Physics, University of Stuttgart, DE | — | Institute of Applied Physics, University of Stuttgart, DE | Φυσική – Θερμοδυναμική |
Αναπληρωτές Καθηγητές: 7 | ||||
Ανθυμίδης Κωνσταντίνος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | Επιφ. Κατεργασίες, Χυτεύσεις – Συγκολλήσεις |
Γκεϊβανίδης Σάββας | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | Συστήματα Κίνησης Οχημάτων – Εφαρμοσμένη Θερμοδυναμική |
Κατσανεβάκης Αθανάσιος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | University of Sheffield Dept. of Business Administration, UK | University of Surrey, Chemical Engineering Dept., UK | Ενεργειακά Συστήματα – Θερμικές Μηχανές |
Κλεΐδης Κώστας | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Φυσικής | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Φυσικής | Εφαρμοσμένα Μαθηματικά |
Μισηρλής Δημήτριος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | Θερμορευστομηχανική Μηχανολογικών Διατάξεων |
Πανταζόπουλος Αθανάσιος | Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών | — | Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, Τμήμα Μηχανικών Η/Υ και Πληροφορικής | Πληροφορική |
Σοφιαλίδης Δημήτριος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | University of Manchester, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, UK | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών | Υπολογιστική Ρευστοδυναμική |
Επίκουροι Καθηγητές: 3 | ||||
Σαγρής Δημήτριος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | Βιομηχανικά Ρομπότ σε Μηχανολογικά Συστήματα Παραγωγής |
Σίμογλου Χρήστος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Η/Υ | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Η/Υ | Ηλεκτρικές Εγκατα-στάσεις σε Σταθμούς και Διατάξεις Παραγωγής Ισχύος |
Φρειδερίκος Ορέστης | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | — | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | Υπολογιστική Μηχανική |
Λέκτορες Εφαρμογών: 1 | ||||
Μοσχίδης Νικόλαος | ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών | ΑΠΘ, Διατμηματικό ΠΜΣ Διεργασίες και Τεχνολογία Προηγμένων Υλικών | — | Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός M.Sc. |
- Θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι 13 από τα 15 μέλη (ήτοι, το 85%) του μόνιμου εκπαιδευτικού προσωπικού του Τμήματος Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών του ΔΙΠΑΕ κατέχουν βασικό πτυχίο ή/και γνωστικό αντικείμενο Μηχανικού.
Εβελζαμάν Ιωάννης | Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Τ.Ε. (M.Sc.) |
Λιούσα Χρυσούλα | Εργοδηγός Χημικός |
Μπάσιος Αθανάσιος | Εργοδηγός Ηλεκτρολόγος |
Μυρωνίδης Γαβριήλ | Μηχανικός Αυτοματισμών Τ.Ε. (M.Sc.) |
Ουρδούδη Βαΐα | Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Τ.Ε. (M.Sc.) |
Παράσχου Θεόδωρος | Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Τ.Ε. |
1. | Ντόκα Μελπομένη | Προϊσταμένη Γραμματείας |
- Ανθυμίδης Κωνσταντίνος (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στις «Επιφανειακές Κατεργασίες – Χυτεύσεις – Συγκολλήσεις».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- G. Anthymidis, E. Stergioudis, D. N. Tsipas, «Boriding in a fluidized bed reactor», Materials Letters 51, 156-160 (2001).
- G. Anthymidis, E. Stergioudis, D. N. Tsipas, «Boriding of titanium alloys in a fluidized bed reactor», Journal of Materials Science Letters 20, 2067-2069 (2001).
- G. Anthymidis, P. Zinoviadis, D. Roussos, D. N. Tsipas, «Boriding of nickel in a fluidized bed reactor», Materials Research Bulletin 37, 515-522 (2002).
- G. Anthymidis, G. Stergioudis, D. N. Tsipas, «Boride coatings on non-ferrous materials in a fluidized bed reactor and their properties», Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 3, 303-311 (2002).
- G. Anthymidis, E. Stergioudis, P. Zinoviadis, D. Roussos, D. N. Tsipas, «Boriding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys in fluidized bed reactor», Surface Engineering 18, 1-5 (2002).
- G. Anthymidis, N. Maragoudakis, G. Stergioudis, O. Haidar, D. N. Tsipas, «A comparative study of boride coatings obtained by pack cementation method and by fluidized bed technology», Materials Letters 57, 2399-2403 (2003).
- N. Tsipas, K. G. Anthymidis, Y. Flitris, «Deposition of hard and/or corrosion resistant, single and multi-element coatings on ferrous and nonferrous alloys in a fluidized bed reactor», Journal of Materials Processing Technology 134, 145-152 (2003).
- Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, C. David, D. N. Tsipas, «Deposition of coatings containing Si and B on steels in a CVD fluidized bed reactor», WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences 49, 195-200 (2005).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, D. N. Tsipas, «Determination of the fatigue behavior of coatings by means of an improved impact testing evaluation procedure», WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences 57, 13-19 (2007).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, D. N. Tsipas, «Determination of the fatigue behavior of aluminide coatings by means of the impact testing method», Key Engineering Materials 348-349, 645-648 (2007).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, D. N. Tsipas, «Determination of the fatigue resistance of HVOF thermal spray WC-CoCr coatings by means of impact testing», Journal of Testing and Evaluation 35, 630-633 (2007).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, G. Petropoulos, «Characterization and tribological properties of boride coatings of steels in a fluidized bed reactor», Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 60, 31–36 (2008).
- Agrianidis, C. David, K. G. Anthymidis, M. Ekhrawat, «Interregional technology transfer on advanced materials and renewable energy systems», Journal of Materials Methods and Technologies 2, 4–10 (2008).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, D. N. Tsipas, «Fatigue resistance assessment of slurry coating steel substrate compounds under cyclic loading», Key Engineering Material 385-387, 133-136 (2008).
- Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, C. David, «Reinforcement of Aluminum by TiB dissolution», Key Engineering Materials 385-387, 785-788 (2008).
- David, M. A. Athanasiou, K. G. Anthymidis, P. K. Gotsis, «Impact fatigue failure investigation of HVOF coatings», Journal of ASTM International 5, 1-8 (2008).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, D. N. Tsipas, «Evaluation of the fatigue behavior of aluminide coating steel substrate compounds by means of the impact testing method», Materials and Manufacturing Processes 24, 1–4 (2009).
- Agrianidis, T. Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis and A. Trakali, «Mechanical properties of Aluminum metal matrix composites», Key Engineering Materials 417-418, 341-344 (2010).
- G. Anthymidis, A. Balouktsis, C. David, A. Trakali, «Wear of cutting tools used in milling treatments», Key Engineering Materials 465, 165-168 (2011).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, D. N. Tsipas, «Evaluation of the fatigue behavior of Aluminide coating steel substrate compounds by means of the impact testing method», Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26, 58-61 (2011).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali, D.N. Tsipas, «Evaluation of the fatigue resistance of chromium slurry coating steel substrate compounds by means of an improved impact testing procedure», Key Engineering Materials 488-489, 420-423 (2012).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali, P. Agrianidis, «Characterization of Al metal matrix composites produced by the stir-casting method», Key Engineering Materials 577-578, 85-88 (2014).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali, D. N. Tsipas, «Siliconizing in a fluidized bed reactor», Key Engineering Materials 592-593, 409-412 (2014).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, P. Agrianidis, A. Trakali, «Production of Al metal matrix composites by the stir-casting method», Key Engineering Materials 592-593, 614-617 (2014).
- G. Anthymidis, A. Trakali, D. N. Tsipas, «Single and multi-element coatings in a fluidized bed reactor», Solid State Phenomena 258, 379-382 (2017).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Stergioudis, H. Morawiec, K. G. Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «Boride coatings on Ti-Ni alloys in a fluidized bed reactor», XIX Conference on Applied Crystallography, 1-4 September 2003, Krakow, Poland, pp. 360 -363 (2003).
- G. Anthymidis, G. Stergioudis, H. Lefakis, D. N. Tsipas, «Surface treatments using fluidized bed technology», International Conference on Advanced Metallic Materials, 5 – 7 November 2003, Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 1-4 (2003).
- David, K. G Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «The impact testing procedure a capable method to investigate the fatigue resistance and the viscoelastic properties of coating substrate compounds», International Conference of Influence of Traditional Mathematics and Mechanics on Modern Science and Technology, Messini, Greece, 24 – 28 May 2004, pp. 279 – 285 (2004).
- Petropoulos, C. David, K. G. Anthymidis, «Boriding of steels in a fluidized bed reactor», First Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Calatayud, Spain, 19 – 21 September 2005, pp. 45-49 (2005).
- David, P. Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «Impact testing: A capable method to investigate fatigue resistance», 16th European Conference of Fracture (ECF16), Alexandroupolis, Greece, 3 – 7 July 2006, pp. 219 – 220 (2006).
- Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Agrianidis, «Reinforcement of Aluminum matrix by Fe – TiB dissolution», 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Reliability of Materials and Structures: Problems and Solutions, St. Petersburg, Russia, 17-20 June 2008, pp. 4 – 7 (2008).
- G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, C. David, A. Agrianidis, «Production of Aluminum-Steel alloy matrix composites by the stir-casting method», Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium, B. Katalinic (Ed.), DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, 22-25 October 2008, pp. 14 – 15.
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «A comparative study of the fatigue resistance of aluminide coatings on P91 steel substrate under cyclic impact loading», 9th International Conference on Meso-mechanics, 13-17 May 2007, VVF les Badines, Presqu’ Ile de Giens, 83408 HYERES LES PALMIERS, France, pp. 721 – 728 (2007).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali and P. Agrianidis, «Characterization of Al metal matrix composites produced by the stir-casting method», 12th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, 2013
- G. Anthymidis, A. Trakali, C. David, and D. Tsipas, «Siliconizing in a fluidized bed reactor», 7th International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture, 1-3 July 2013, Brno, Czech Republic
- G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, G. Stergioudis, D. N. Tsipas, «Reinforcement of Aluminum Matrix by Iron – Silicon – Chromium dissolution», MSMF8, 27 – 29 June 2016, Brno, Czech Republic (2016).
- Γκεϊβανίδης Σάββας (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στις «Μηχανές Εσωτερικής Καύσης – Συστήματα Κίνησης Οχημάτων».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Geivanidis S, Pistikopoulos P, Samaras Z., «Effect on exhaust emissions by the use of methyl-cyclopentadienyl manganese tri-carbonyl (MMT) fuel additive and other lead replacement gasolines», Science of the Total Environment 305, 129-141 (2003).
- Geivanidis S, Samaras Z, «Development of a dynamic model for the reconstruction of tailpipe emissions from measurements on a constant volume sampling dilution system», Measurement Science and Technology 19, 015404 (2008).
- Joumard R, Laurikko J, Le Han T, Geivanidis S, Samaras Z, Oláh Z, Devaux P, André J M, Cornelis E, Rouveirolles P, Lacour S, Prati M V, Vermeulen R, Zallinger M, «Accuracy of exhaust emissions measurements on chassis dynamometer»,, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association (2008).
- Ntziachristos L., Samaras Z., Kouridis C., Hassel D., McCrae I., Hickman J., Zierock K.H, Keller M., Andre M., Winther M., Gorissen N., Boulter P., Joumard R., Rijkeboer R., Geivanidis S., Hausberger S., «Exhaust emissions from road transport. EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook», updated May 2012, European Environmental Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Samaras Z., Vouitsis I., Geivanidis S., «Current and Near-Term Automotive Engine Trends – CI», invited in Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering, David Crolla, David Foster and Toshio Kobayashi (eds), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and FISITA (2012).
- Bouilly J., Mohammadi A., Iida Y., Hashimoto H., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., «Biodiesel Stability and its Effects on Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment», SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-0860, 2012, doi:10.4271/2012-01-0860
- Rose, K., Hamje, H., Jansen, L., Fittavolini, C., Clark, R., Cardenas Almena, M. D., Katsaounis, D., Samaras, C., Geivanidis, S., Samaras, Z., «Impact of FAME Content on the Regeneration Frequency of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs)», SAE Int. J. Fuels & Lubricants 7(2), (2014).
- Vouitsis, I., Geivanidis, S., Samaras, Z., «Liquid biofuels in Greece—Current status in production and research», Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6, 022703 (2014).
- Geivanidis S., Saltas E., Samaras Z., “A novel versatile methodology for the assessment of the effects of alternative fuels on engine durability”, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 14, 1097–1103 (2016).
- Saltas E., Bouilly J., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., Mohammadi A., Iida Y., “Investigation of the effects of biodiesel aging on the degradation of common rail fuel injection systems”, Fuel 200, 357-370 (2017).
- Fragkiadoulakis P., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z, “Modeling a resistive soot sensor through particle deposition mechanisms”, Journal of Aerosol Science accepted (2017).
- Fragkiadoulakis P., Kontses D., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., “Application of a resistive soot sensor physical model to steady state and transient data”, Journal of Aerosol Science 123, 76 (2018).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., «Investigation of the emission degradation of Euro III and Euro IV gasoline vehicles», Proceedings of the 14th International Transport and Air Pollution Symposium (TAP 2005), Graz, Austria, 2005.
- Joumard R., J. Laurikko, S. Geivanidis, Z. Samaras, Z. Oláh, M. Weilenmann, JM. André, E. Cornelis, M. Gribe, S. Lacour, MV. Prati, R. Vermeulen & M. Zallinger (2006): «Accuracy of exhaust emissions measurements on vehicle bench». 2nd conf. Environment & Transport, incl. 15th conf. Transport and Air Pollution, 12-14 June 2006, Reims, France. Proceedings, actes Inrets, n°107, vol. 1, Arcueil, France, p. 119-126
- Fontaras G., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., «Development and evaluation of hybrid vehicle emission and fuel consumption factors based on measurements over real world cycles», Proceedings of the 15th International Transport and Air Pollution Symposium (TAP 2006), Reims, France, 2006.
- Joumard R., J. Laurikko, S. Geivanidis, Z. Samaras, Z. Oláh, M. Weilenmann, JM. André, E. Cornelis, M. Gribe, S. Lacour, MV. Prati, R. Vermeulen & M. Zallinger (2006): «Accuracy of exhaust emissions measurements on vehicle bench», FISITA 2006, World Automotive Congress, 22-27 October, Yokohama, Japan – Paper reference: F2006P409, 2006
- Joumard R, André JM., Rapone M., Zallinger M., Kljun N., André M., Samaras Z., Roujol S., Laurikko J., Weilenmann M., Markewitz K., Geivanidis S., Ajtay D., Paturel L.: «Emission factor modeling for light duty vehicles within the European ARTEMIS model». Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Transport and Air Pollution (TAP2008), 16-17 June 2008, Graz, Austria
- Kousoulidou, L. Ntziachristos, S. Gkeivanidis, Z. Samaras, V. Franco, P. Dilara, «Validation of the COPERT road emission inventory model with real-use data», US EPA 19th Annual International Emission Inventory Conference “Emissions Inventories – Informing Emerging Issues”, San Antonio (2010)
- Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., Bezergianni S., Bouilly J., Mohammadi A., «Methodology for the Investigation of Biodiesel Effects on Critical Diesel Engine Components», International Conference on Biofuels for Sustainable Development of Southern Europe, 19-20 November 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, www.bio4sud.gr
- Samaras Z., Geivanidis S., Vonk W., «Testing of soot sensors for DPF failure monitoring». In 17th ETH Conference on Combustion generated nanoparticles, Zürich, Switzerland, 23–26 June 2013.
- Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., Sindano H., Anderson J., Vonk W., «PM OBD monitoring requirements in EU and US, Different challenges due to type-approval testing requirements and vehicle fleet characteristics», Diesel Powertrains 3.0, International Conference, October 28th-29th, 2014, Montabaur, Germany.
- Fragkiadoulakis P., Mertzis D., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., “Prediction of resistive soot sensor behavior in diesel exhaust via 3D simulation of soot deposition”, 6th BETA CAE International Conference, June 10, 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Gkantonas S., Fragkiadoulakis P., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., “Analysis of the exhaust flow inside a resistive soot sensor tip and simulation model”, 2016 ANSYS Convergence Conference, June 30, 2016, Athens, Greece.
- Geivanidis S., “Correction of transient emission signal dynamics for in-lab and RDE measurements”, 4th International Conference, Real Driving Emissions, IQPC, 25 – 28 October 2016, Berlin, Germany.
- Kontses D., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., Fragkiadoulakis P., «Challenges, and error propagation of PM sensor based DPF diagnostics», Transport Research Arena Conference, 2018, Venna, Austria
- Kontses D., Geivanidis S., Samaras Z., «Review of Legislative Requirements and Methods for the Estimation of PN/PM Emissions for Advanced Light-duty OBD Applications», 23rd Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Thessaloniki, 2019 (accepted).
- Γκότσης Πασχάλης (Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering), Ομότιμος Καθηγητής – Former Research Scientist at NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland OH (USA), με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στην «Εφαρμοσμένη Μηχανική και Δυναμική Μηχανολογικών Κατασκευών».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- K. Gotsis, A. H. Shabaik and G. H. Sines, «Elastoplastic analysis of an Aluminum alloy matrix reinforced with Silicon Carbide fibers packed in a hexagonal alloy», International Journal of Computers and Structures 41, 345-353 (1992).
- K. Gotsis, A. H. Shabaik and G. H. Sines, «Elastoplastic analysis of an Aluminum alloy matrix reinforced with Silicon Carbide fibers», International Journal of Computers and Structures: Technical Note 43, 795-802 (1992).
- K. Gotsis and C. C. Chamis, «Combined bending and thermal fatigue of high temperatures MMC: Computational simulation», International Journal of Damage Mechanics 1, 290-319 (1992).
- K. Mital, C. C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Micro-fracture in high temperature metal matrix laminates», Composite Science and Technology Journal 50, 59-70 (1994).
- K. Gotsis and J. D. Guptill, «Fiber composite thin shell subjected to thermal buckling loads», International Journal of Computers and Structures 53, 1263-1274 (1994).
- K. Gotsis, «Structural optimization of shell structures», International Journal of Computers and Structures 53, 1263-1274 (1994).
- K. Gotsis and J.D. Guptill, «Free vibration of fiber composite thin shells in a hot environment», Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites 14, 143-163 (1995).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Computational simulation of the damage of composite thin-shell structures subjected to mechanical loads», Journal of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 25, 211-224 (1996).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Progressive fracture of fiber composite build-up structures», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 16, 183-198 (1997).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Progressive fracture of blade containment composite structures», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 16, 1407-1424 (1997).
- Minnetyan, P. K. Gotsis and C. C. Chamis, «Progressive damage and fracture of stiffened and un-stiffened composite pressure vessels», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 16, 1711-1724 (1997).
- Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Laminate analogy for composite enhanced concrete structures», Journal of Advanced Materials 29, 3-10 (1997).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Prediction of composite laminate fracture: Micromechanics and progressive fracture», Composite Science and Technology Journal 58, 1137-1149 (1998).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Progressive fracture of fiber composite thin-shell structures under internal pressure and axial loads», International Journal of Damage Mechanics 7, 332-350 (1998).
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan, «Progressive fracture and damage tolerance of composite pressure vessels», Journal of Advanced Materials 30, 22-26 (1998).
- Minnetyan, C. C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Damage progression in bolted composites», Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 11, 231-248 (1998).
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and S. K. Mital, «Meso-mechanics and meso-structures: A matter of scale», Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 11, 478-490 (1998).
- C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Infrastructure retrofit design via Composite Mechanics», Journal of Advanced Materials 31, 33-36 (1999).
- C. Chamis, P. L. N. Murthy, P. K. Gotsis and S. K. Mital, «Telescoping composite mechanics for composite behavior simulation», Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Journal 185, 399-411 (2000).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, L. Minnetyan, «Application of progressive fracture analysis for predicting failure envelopes and stress-strain behaviors of composite laminates: A comparison with experimental results», Composites Science and Technology 62, 1545-1559 (2002).
- C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Application of Composite Mechanics to composite enhanced concrete structures», International Journal of Advances in Mechanics and Applications of industrial Materials 1, 41-54 (2007).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, C. K. Gotsis and E. Mouratidis, «Progressive fracture of [0/90/±θ]S composite structure under uniform pressure», International Journal of Advances in Mechanics and Applications of industrial Materials 1, 77-83 (2008).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, M. Athanasiou and P. K. Gotsis, «Impact fatigue failure modes of HVOF coatings», Journal of ASTM International 5, 1-8, (2008).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, C. David, and F. Abdi, «Progressive fracture of laminated composite stiffened plate», Journal of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 51, 144–147 (2009).
- A. Tsipas, D. N. Tsipas, C. David and P. K. Gotsis, «Boronizing of metallic materials: A Review», Journal of Materials Science and Technology 23, 160–184 (2015).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- K. Gotsis and C. C. Chamis, «Combined bending and thermal fatigue of high temperatures MMC: Computational simulation», 16th Thermo-mechanical Fatigue (TMF) Workshop, at NASA Lewis Research Center, in June 1991.
- K. Gotsis, C.C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Effect of combined loads on the durability of a stiffened adhesively bonded composite structure», Proceeding of the 36th AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, New Orleans, LA, Part 2, pp. 1083-1092, April 10-13, 1995.
- Minnetyan and P. K. Gotsis, «Progressive fracture in adhesively bonded concentric cylinders», Proceedings of the 40th International SAMPE CONFposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, California 40, Book 1, pp. 849-860, May 8-11, 1995.
- K. Gotsis, «Computational simulation of fiber composite thin shell structures in a hydrothermal environment», Proceedings of the 5th Europe-Japan Bilateral Colloquium on Composite Material, Corfu, Greece, Sept. 18-22, 1995.
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan, «Damage progression in bolted composite structures», Proceedings of the 1995 USAF Structural Integrity Program Conference, 28-30 November 1995, San Antonio, Texas, WL-TR-4094, Vol. II, pp. 663-679, 1996.
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan, «Progressive damage and fracture of adhesively bonded fiber composite pipe joints», Proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition: CONFposium on Composite Materials Design and Analysis, Houston, Texas, January 29-February 2, 1996. Book V, pp. 401-408, 1996.
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan, «Damage tolerance of composite pressurized shells», Proceedings of the 37th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 15-17, 1996, Part 4, pp. 2112-2121.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Defect tolerance of pressurized fiber composite shell structures», Proceedings of the 41st International SAMPE CONFposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, March 25-28, 1996, Vol. 41, pp. 450-461.
- Minnetyan, D. Huang, C. C. Chamis, and P. K. Gotsis, «Progressive fracture of composite subjected to Iosepescu shear test», Proceedings of the ASTM 13th CONFposium on Composite Materials: Testing and Design, Orlando, Florida, May 20-21, 1996.
- C. Chamis and P.K. Gotsis, «Infrastructure for coupled multidisciplinary problems in engine structures», Conference Proceedings at the AIAA/NASA/USAF Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization CONFposium, Sept. 4-6, 1996, Bellevue, Washington. AIAA-96-4147-CP, Part 2, pp. 1409-1418.
- L. McKnight, M. S. Hartle, F. E. Sagendorph, P. K. Gotsis and C. C. Chamis, «Code certification process for multidisciplinary analysis/design optimization», Conference Proceedings at the AIAA/NASA/USAF Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization CONFposium, Sept. 4 – 6, 1996, Bellevue, Washington. AIAA-96-4031-CP, Part 1, pp. 448-458.
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan, «Structural integrity of composite containment structures», Conference Proceedings of the 1996 USAF Structural Integrity Program Conference, Dec. 3-5, 1996, San Antonio, Texas.
- Gotsis and C. C. Chamis, «Laminate analogy for composites application to infrastructures», Conference Proceedings at the 42nd International SAMPE CONFposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, May 5-8, 1997, pp. 947-956.
- Gotsis, C. C. Chamis and L. Minnetyan, «Progressive fracture of blade containment composite structures», Proceedings of the 11th DOP/NASA/FAA Conference on Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, Fort Worth, Texas, August 26-29, 1996.
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan. «Progressive fracture and damage tolerance of composite pressure vessels», Conference Proceedings at the International Composites EXPO ’97 in Nashville, Tennessee, Jan. 27-29, 1997, session 5-C/1 to 8.
- C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Laminate analogy for composite enhanced concrete structures», Proceedings of the First Hellenic Conference on Composite Materials and Structures, Xanthi, Greece, July 2-5, 1997, vol. II, pp. 31-50.
- C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Infrastructure retrofit design via composite mechanics», Conference Proceedings of the International Composites, EXPO ’98 – ICE ’98, in Nashville, Tennessee, January 19-21, 1998.
- K. Gotsis and C. C. Chamis, «Computational simulation of concrete structures enhanced with fiber composites», Invited paper for the CONFposium on Materials, Design and Analysis. Energy Resource and Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, February 2-4, 1998.
- Minnetyan, R. A. Lund, C. C. Chamis, and P. K. Gotsis, «Evaluation of progressive fracture in woven and non-woven composites panels», Proceedings at the 1997 USAF Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference, San Antonio, Texas, December 2- 4, 1997.
- C. Chamis, P. K. Gotsis and L. Minnetyan, «Probabilistic assessment of fracture in composite pressure vessels», Conference Proceedings for the 1998 ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Diego, California, July 26-30, 1998.
- Vidakis, A. Antoniadis, C. Savakis, and P. K. Gotsis, «Simulation of ball end tools milling», 16th Conference on Production Research ICPR-16, on 29 July –3 August 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, C. David, and F. Abdi, «Progressive fracture of laminated composite stiffened plate», 9th Conference on Meso-mechanics (MESO2007), Presquile de Giens, France, May 13-17, 2007.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, C. K. Gotsis and E. Mouratidis, «Progressive fracture of [0/90/±θ]S composite structure under uniform pressure», International Conference on Advances and Trends of engineering Materials and their Applications (ATEMA2007), Montreal, Canada, August 6-10, 2007.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, F. Abdi, and K. Tsouros, «Progressive fracture of laminated fiber-reinforced composite stiffened plate under pressure», COMP-07: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Composite Technologies. Corfu, Greece, 16-18 May 2007.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, K. Tsouros and C. David, «Damage progression of (0/90/45)S laminated fiber-reinforced composite stiffened plate under mechanical loads», 8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece, July 12-14, 2007.
- David, M. Athanasiou, K. G. Anthymidis and P. K. Gotsis, «Impact fatigue investigation of HVOF coatings», 36th ASTM National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Tampa Marriot Waterside, Tampa, Florida, USA, November 14-16, 2007.
- K. Gotsis, «Damage progression of sandwich plate due to the residual stresses and thermo-mechanical loads», International Conference MESOMECHANICS 2008, 28 January 2008 to 1 February 2008, Cairo, Egypt.
- C. Chamis and P. K. Gotsis, «Composite multi-scale mechanics for composite enhanced concrete structures», 7th World Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, 395-407, 2009.
- Δαυίδ Κωνσταντίνος (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Dr.–Ing.), Καθηγητής Α’ Βαθμίδας – Αντιπρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Ερευνών του ΔΙΠΑΕ, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στις «Εργαλειομηχανές – Μηχανουργική Τεχνολογία».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- David, G. Warnecke, «A correlation between cutting process and dynamics of the machine-tool-system in grinding», Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME XXIV, Michigan, Ann Arbor USA, 51-56, (1996).
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, C. David, «Characterization of thin hard coatings regarding their lifetime performance and typical applications», Journal of Opto-electronics 6, 3-12, (1998).
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, C. David, «The concept of an advanced impact tester supported by evaluation software for the fatigue strength characterization of hard layered media», Thin Solid Films 355-356, 322-329, (1999).
- Warnecke, C. David, «A modeling method to analyze the dynamic behavior of grinding process and predicting the stability limit», Journal of Production Engineering WGP Annals VII/2, 115-120, (2000).
- Bouzakis, A. Lontos, Ν. Vidakis, C. David, V. Kechagias, «Determination of the creep behaviour of monolayer thick plasma sprayed coatings, by means of the impact test and analytical FEM supported evaluation procedure», Thin Solid Films 377-378, 373-381 (2000).
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, A. Lontos, S. Mitsi, C. David, «Implementation of low temperature deposited coating lifetime parameters in commercial roller bearings catalogues», International Journal Surface and Coatings Technology 133-134, 489-496 (2000).
- Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, C. David and D. N. Tsipas, «Deposition of coatings containing Si and B on steels in a CVD fluidized bed reactor», WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences 49, 195-201 (2005).
- Petropoulos, N. Vaxevanidis, A. Iakovou and C. David, «Multi-parameter modeling of surface texture in ED Machining using the Design of Experiments methodology», Journal of Materials Science Forum 526, 157-162 (2006).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis and D. N. Tsipas, «Determination of the fatigue behavior of aluminide coatings by means of the impact testing method», Journal of Key Engineering Materials 348-349, 645-648 (2007).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis and P. Agrianidis, «Determination of the fatigue resistance of HVOF-thermal spray WC-CoCr coatings», Journal of Testing and Evaluation 35, 630-633, (2007).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis and D. N. Tsipas, «Determination of the fatigue behavior of coatings by means of an improved impact testing evaluation procedure», WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Computational Methods, and Experiments in Materials Characterization 57, 13-21 (2007).
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis and G. Petropoulos, «Characterization and tribological properties of Boride coatings of Steels in a fluidized bed reactor», Journal of Industrial Lubrication & Tribology 60, 31-36 (2008).
- Maravelakis, C. David, A. Antoniadis, A. Manios, N. Bilalis, Y. Papaharilaou, «Reverse engineering techniques for cranioplasty: A case study», Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology 32, 115-121 (2008).
- David, M. A. Athanasiou, K. G. Anthymidis and P. K. Gotsis, «Impact fatigue failure of HVOF coatings and modeling of the viscoelastic properties of coating-substrate compound», Journal of ASTM International 5, 233-241 (2008).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David and D. N. Tsipas, «Fatigue resistance assessment of slurry coating steel substrate compounds under cyclic loading», Journal of Key Engineering Materials 385-387, 133-136 (2008).
- Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis and C. David, «Reinforcement of Aluminum by TiB dissolution», Journal of Key Engineering Materials 385-387, 785-788 (2008).
- Agrianidis, C. David, K. G. Anthymidis, M. Ekhrawat, «Interregional technology transfer on advanced materials and renewable energy systems», Journal of Materials Methods and Technologies 2, 4 – 10 (2008).
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, C. David, and F. Abdi, «Progressive fracture of laminated fiber-reinforced composite stiffened plate», International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Fracture Mechanics 51, 144-147 (2009).
- J. Kakaletsis, C. David, C. G. Karayiannis, «Effectiveness of seismic retrofitting techniques for bare and in-filled R/C frames», Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics 39, 4-11 (2011).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David and D. N. Tsipas, «Evaluation of the fatigue behavior of aluminide coating steel substrate compounds by means of the impact testing method», Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26, 58-61 (2011).
- Friderikos, G. Maliaris, C. David, and I. Tsiafis, «An investigation of cutting-edge failure due to chip crush in carbide dry hobbling using the finite element method», Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 57, 297-306 (2011).
- A. Athanasiou, G. C. Anagnostopoulos, A. C. Iliopoulos, G. P. Pavlos, and C. N. David, «Enhanced ULF radiation observed by DEMETER two months around the strong 2010 Haiti earthquake», Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences 11, 1091–1098 (2011).
- G. Anthymidis, A. Balouktsis, C. David, and A. Trakali, «Wear of cutting tools used in milling treatments», Journal of Key Engineering Materials 465, 165-168 (2011).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali, D. N. Tsipas, «Evaluation of the fatigue resistance of chromium slurry coating steel substrate compounds by means of an improved impact testing procedure», Key Engineering Materials 488-489, 420-423 (2012).
- A. Grammatikos, E. Z. Kordatos, T. E. Matikas, C. David, A. S. Paipetis, «Current injection phase thermography for low-velocity impact damage identification in composite laminates», Materials and Design 55, 429-441 (2014).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali and P. Agrianidis, «Characterization of Al metal matrix composites produced by the stir-casting method», Key Engineering Materials 577-578, 85-88 (2014).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali, D. Tsipas, «Siliconizing in a fluidized bed reactor», Key Engineering Materials 592-593, 409-412 (2014).
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, P. Agrianidis, A. Trakali, «Production of Al Metal Matrix Composites by the Stir-casting Method», Key Engineering Materials 592-593, 614-617 (2014).
- Μ. A. Athanasiou, G. C. Anagnostopoulos, C. David and G. G. Machairidis, «The ULF electromagnetic radiation observed in the topside ionosphere above boundaries of tectonic plates», International Journal of Research in Geo-physics [ISSN 2038-9663] (2014).
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, G. Mansour, C. David, D. Sagris, «Orthogonal cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy using experimental and theoretical analysis», Applied Mechanics & Materials 809-810, 183-188 (2015).
- A. Tsipas, D. N. Tsipas, C. David and P. K. Gotsis, «Boronizing of metallic materials: A review», Journal of Materials Science and Technology 23, 160–184 (2015).
- Constantin, C. David, «Multiplexed delay compensation and circular buffer method for moving average filtering of signal acquired from tactile sensors in a mechatronics system for walking analysis», “HIDRAULICA” (No. 4/2015) Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics, ISSN 1453 – 7303 (2015).
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, D. Sagris, C. David, G. Mansour, «Experimental analysis of Ti6Al4V orthogonal cutting», Key Engineering Materials 665, 17-20 (2016).
- Mansour, K. Tzikas, D. Tzetzis, A. Korlos, D. Sagris, C. David, «Experimental and numerical investigation on the torsional behaviour of filament winding-manufactured composite tubes», Applied Mechanics and Materials 834, 173-178, (2016).
- Korlos, D. Tzetzis, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, C. David, «The delamination effect of drilling and electro-discharge machining on the tensile strength of woven composites as studied by X-ray computed tomography», Int. J. of Machining and Machinability of Materials 18, 426-448 (2016).
- C. Vlachou, J. S. Lioumbas, C. David, D. Chasapis, Th. D. Karapantsios, «Effect of channel height and mass flux on highly sub-cooled horizontal flow boiling», Journal of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83, 157–168 (2017).
- Stergianni E., Sagris D.,Tsiafis Ch., David C. and Tsiafis I., «Influence Analysis of Micro-Milling Vibrational Phenomena on Workpiece Topomorphy», Journal of Solid-State Phenomena 261, pp 77-84, (2017)
- I. Toulfatzis, G. A. Pantazopoulos, C.N. David, D. S. Sagris and A. S. Paipetis, «Machinability of Eco-Friendly Lead-Free Brass Alloys: Cutting-Force and Surface-Roughness Optimization», Journal of Metals 8, 250 (2018).
- David, D. Sagris, E. Stergianni, Ch. Tsiafis, i. Tsiafis, «Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Vibration Phenomena on Workpiece Topomorphy Due to Cutter Runout in End-Milling Process», Journal of Machines 6, 27 (2018).
- I. Toulfatzis, G. A. Pantazopoulos, C.N. David, D. S. Sagris and A. S. Paipetis, «Final Heat Treatment as a Possible Solution for the Improvement of Machinability of Pb-Free Brass Alloys», Journal of Metals 8, 575 (2018).
- Kozatsas, K. Kotsakis, D. Sagris, K. David, «Inside out: Assessing pottery forming techniques with micro-CT scanning. An example from Middle Neolithic Thessaly», Journal of Archaeological Science, Elsevier, Vol. 100, pp. 102-119, (2018)
- Naka, O., Millar, B.J., Sagris, D., David, C., «Do composite resin restorations protect cracked teeth? An in-vitro study», British Dental Journal, Vol. 225 (3), pp. 223-228, (2018).
- C. Vlachou, J.S. Lioumbas, M. Kostoglou, K. David, D. Chasapis, C. Schwarz, J.W.A. van Loon, T.D. Karapantsios, “Subcooled flow boiling in horizontal and vertical macro-channel under Earth-gravity and hyper-gravity conditions”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 133, pp.36-51 (2019).
- Gkouvas G., Agathangelidis F., Nakas C., David C., Sagris D., Petsatodis G., «Biomechanical comparison of six intramedullary nails, for the treatment of extraarticular, proximal tibial fractures», HIPPOKRATIA 23, 2: 58-63 (2019).
- Friderikos O., Sagris D., David C., Korlos A., «Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Bands in Orthogonal Machining of Ti6Al4V using a Rigid-Viscoplastic Finite Element Analysis», Metals – Open Access Metallurgy Journal 10(3), 338, (2020).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Bouzakis, C. David, N. Vidakis, «Development of an Impact Tester and of its software to determine the fatigue strength of hard coatings», Annals of 9th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation & Networking”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24th October 1998, pp. 59-60.
- Bouzakis, C. David, N. Vidakis, «Development of testing and evaluation procedures to determine the fatigue strength of hard coatings», Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Tribology, BALKANTRIB ’99, Vol. III, Sinaia – Romania, pp. 291-302.
- Bouzakis, C. David, N. Vidakis, «Prediction of the fatigue performance of coated systems through an advanced impact tester and the software supported evaluation of experimental data», Proceedings of 1st International Conference “THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering”, Thessaloniki 14-15 October 1999, pp.213-222.
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, C. David, A. Siganos, T. Leyendecker, G. Erkens, R. Wenke, «Determination of the mechanical properties and fatigue resistance of multilayer PVD coatings on various substrates», Proceedings of 1st International Conference “THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering”, 14-15 October, Thessaloniki, 1999, pp. 237-248.
- Bouzakis, A. Lontos, N. Vidakis, K. David, V. Kechagias, «Determination of mechanical properties of thick coatings produced by plasma spray method», Proceedings of 1st International Conference “THE Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering”, Thessaloniki 14-15 October 1999, pp. 269-282.
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, C. David, N. Mihailidis, A. Lontos, «Thin hard coatings fatigue prediction and typical applications in cutting tools and machine elements», Proceedings of the Third International Conference for Meso-mechanics, Editor G. C. Sih, Tsingua University Press, Beijing 100084, P.R. China, vol. II 2000, pp. 567-578.
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, A. Lontos, S. Mitsi, C. David, «Implementation of low temperature deposited coating fatigue parameters in commercial roller bearings catalogues», The First Mediterranean Tribology Conference, 8-9 November, Jerusalem, Israel, 2000.
- Bouzakis, A. Lontos, C. David, V. Kechagias, «Creep behaviour prediction and optimum design of plasma sprayed coatings with intermediate bonding layer», International Conference “THE” Coatings 2001, Hannover, pp. C1/1-10.
- David, A. Balouktsis, D. Paschaloudis and E. Mouratidis, «Insight into the reform of Technological Education Institutes – A case study from Greece», Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Engineering Education, 30 June – 5 July 2002, Caledonian University, Glasgow Scotland, United Kingdom, pp. 277-280.
- Balouktsis, C. David, E. Mouratidis, K. Anastasiou, D. Paschaloudis, «Internationalization of Technological Education – Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Greek Technological Institutes», 3rd European – Latin American Conference on Engineering Education, 3-9 November 2002, Havana, Cuba.
- Bouzakis, A. Lontos, N. Vidakis, C. David, V. Kechagias, «Determination of creep behaviour of monolayer thick plasma spray coatings, by means of the impact test and analytical FEM supported evaluation procedure», Proceedings of 3rd International Conference “THE Coatings”, 28-29 November 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 383-394
- Bouzakis, N. Vidakis, A. Lontos, S. Mitsi, C. David, «Implementation of low temperature deposited coating fatigue parameters in commercial roller bearings catalogues», Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN, 3-4 October 2002, Sani Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 777-788.
- Mouratidis, K. Anastasiou, A. Balouktsis, C. David, D. Paschaloudis, «Towards competitive higher technological education: quality assurance and SWOT analysis of higher technological institutes», Proceedings of 7th Baltic region Seminar on Engineering Education, St. Petersburg, Russia 4-6 September 2003, pp. 29-33.
- Kehris, D. Paschaloudis, C. David, G. Fragidis, «Lab-Assistant: A web-based general-purpose software for the delivery and administration of computer-based laboratory sessions», Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, Volume I: New technologies and their Applications in Education, 5-10 July 2003 Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 392-399
- Kehris, D. Paschaloudis, C. David, M. Theodoridou, «Development, delivery and administration of computer-based laboratory sessions over the Web», Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Industry and Education. 28-29 August 2003, Santorini, Greece, pp. 326-334.
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «The impact testing procedure a capable method to investigate the fatigue resistance and the viscoelastic properties of coating substrate compounds», Proceedings of International Conference of influence of traditional mathematics and mechanics on modern science and technology, organized by National Technical University of Athens and Lehigh University of Bethlehem USA, 24-28 May 2004, Messini, Greece, pp. 279-285
- David, P. Agrianidis, «Boriding of steels in a fluidized bed reactor», Proceedings of 15th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, 3 – 6 November 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 91-92.
- David, D. Paschaloudis, E. Mouratidis, S. Dimitriadis, G. Marinos, and P. Pantelidis, «Improvement in engineering education due to introduction of ICT based courses and curricula», 8th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Kingston, Jamaica, 7-11 February 2005.
- Petropoulos, C. David, K. G. Anthymidis, «Boriding of steels in a fluidized bed reactor», First Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Calatayud, Spain, 19 – 21 September 2005.
- David, K. G. Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «A comparative study of the fatigue resistance of aluminide coatings on P91 steel substrate under cyclic impact loading», Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Meso-mechanics, 13-17 May 2007 France, pp. 721-728.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, C. David, D. Xie and F. Abdi, «Progressive fracture of laminated fiber-reinforced composite stiffened plate under thermo-mechanical loads», Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Meso-mechanics, 13-17 May 2007 France, pp. 509-518.
- Konstantinidis, M. Ekhrawat, C. David, H. Omar, D. Papadopoulos and D. N. Tsipas, «Design, modeling and construction of prototype structures for heat exchanger used in PV/T systems in terms of materials and process selection», Proceedings of IWTPV ’06, Prague, Czech Republic, 30-31 March 2006, pp. 19-24.
- David, P. Agrianidis, A. Balouktsis and M. Theodoridou, «Interregional technology transfer on advanced materials and renewable energy systems», Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education. 30-31 August 2007, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 287-291.
- Balouktsis, T. Karapantsios, D. Chassapis, C. David, K. Anastasiou and A. Balouktsis, «Methodology for load matching and optimization of directly coupled PV-pumping systems», Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, 21-23 November 2007, Venice, Italy.
- K. Gotsis, C. C. Chamis, K. Tsouros and C. David, «Damage progression of [00/900/+-450]s laminated fiber-reinforced composite stiffened plate under mechanical load», Proceedings of 8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, July 12-14, 2007, Patras, Greece, pp. 291-297.
- Paschaloudis, M. Tsourela, C. David, J. Kaliakatsos and P. Pantelidis, «Knowledge sharing across higher-education institutes in interregional countries – The case of an academic network between Greece and Bulgaria», Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intellectual Capital Knowledge management & Organizational Learning, October 15-16th 2007, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 315-319.
- G. Anthymidis, P. Agrianidis, C. David and A. Agrianidis, «Production of Aluminum-Steel alloy matrix composites by the stir-casting method», Proceedings of 19th International DAAAM Symposium 2008, Vienna, Austria, October 22-25, 2008, pp. 14-15.
- Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, C. David and A. P. Agrianidis, «Reinforcement of Aluminum Matrix By Fe-TiB Dissolution», Proceedings of RELMAS 2008, 7th International Conference on “Assessment of Reliability of Materials and Structures: Problems and Solutions”, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 17-20, 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 4-7.
- David, P. Agrianidis, K. G. Anthymidis, D. N. Tsipas, «Impact testing: A capable method to investigate the fatigue resistance», Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture (ECF16), Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3 – 7, 2006, pp. 219-220.
- Fragidis, D. Paschaloudis and C. David, «Concept mapping as a tool for instructional planning and learning», Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Horizons in Industry and Education”. 25-26 August 2005, Corfu, Greece, pp. 247-253.
- David, Α. Balouktsis, P. Agrianidis, «Energy behavior of a hybrid PV/thermal water system», 6th International Conference “New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education (NHIBE 2009)” 27-28 August 2009 on Santorini Island, Greece.
- Savaidis, A. Savaidis, C. David, A. Antoniadis, «Fatigue Investigation of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on Welded Structures», 31st Int. Symposium on Mechanics and Materials, May 9-14, 2010, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- G. Anthymidis, A. Balouktsis, C. David, and A. Trakali, «Wear of cutting tools used in milling treatments», Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic, June 28-30, 2010.
- David, A. Antoniadis, O. Friderikos, D. Sagris, «Experimental and computational investigation of end-milling and development of a simulation model describing the machining process», 7th International Conference “New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education (NHIBE 2011)” 25-26 August 2011 on Chios Island, Greece
- Friderikos, A. Korlos, C. David, I. Tsiafis, «Investigation of shear instability in orthogonal machining of TI6AL4V alloy using the finite element method», 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Athens, 30 June – 2 July 2011.
- Varitis, D. Sagris, C. David, A. Lontos, «Directional Variation of Trabecular Bone in the Femoral Head, a μ-CT based Approach», Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, Bioinformatics 2013, Barcelona – Spain, 11 – 14 February, pp. 237-241, 2013.
- G. Anthymidis, C. David, A. Trakali and P. Agrianidis, «Characterization of Al metal matrix composites produced by the stir-casting method», 12th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, 2013
- G. Anthymidis, A. Trakali, C. David, and D. Tsipas, «Siliconizing in a fluidized bed reactor», 7th International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture, 1-3 July 2013, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Korlos, D. Tzetzis, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, C. David, «Comparison of drilling and electro-discharge open-hole machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymers», 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 Oct. 2014, pp. 41-50, 2014.
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, G. Mansour, C. David, D. Sagris, «Orthogonal cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy using experimental and theoretical analysis», Innovative Manufacturing Engineering International Conference, Iasi, Romania, May 21-22, 2015.
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, C. David, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, «Adiabatic shear band formation in orthogonal machining of Ti6Al4V», 4th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAFIV), Skiathos, Greece, 24-26 June 2015.
- Friderikos, A. Korlos, C. David, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Formation of adiabatic shear bands in orthogonal machining of Ti6Al4V alloy», 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Volos, Greece, 12-15 July 2015.
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, D. Sagris, C. David, G. Mansour, «Experimental analysis of Ti6Al4V orthogonal cutting», 14th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics», Budva, Montenegro, September 21-23, 2015.
- Mansour, K. Tzikas, D. Tzetzis, A. Korlos, D. Sagris, C. David, «Experimental and numerical investigation on the torsional behaviour of filament winding-manufactured composite tubes», 17th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory, ICAMAT 2015, 9-10 Nov. 2015, Venice, Italy, 2015.
- Dutschk, R. Kuipers, K. Kalič, C. David, Th. Karapantsios, «Wetting behaviour of two waterborne polymer dispersions – polyurethane and polyester – on different polyester and glass-fiber fabrics», International Symposium SGI-FunD 2015, 29th–31st October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Kozatsas, K. Kotsakis, D. Sagris, C. David, «Studying ceramic technology from inside: Micro-CT scanning of a pottery assemblage from MN of Sesklo (Thessaly, Greece)», 41st International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA) 2016, Kalamata, Greece.
- David, D. Sagris, E. Stergianni, Ch. Tsiafis, I. Tsiafis, «Experimental analysis of charter vibration in micro-milling», CONFERENG 2016, Targu-Jiu, November 4-5, 2016.
- Toulfatzis, G. A. Pantazopoulos, C. David, D. Sagris, A. Paipetis, «Design of experiments for the optimization of cutting force and surface roughness of lead-free brass alloys», International Conference EUROMAT 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Stergianni, D. Sagris, C. Tsiafis, C. David, I. Tsiafis, «Influence Analysis of Micro-milling vibration phenomena on work-piece topomorphy», 9th International Congress on Precision Machining ICPM 2017 September 6-9, 2017, Athens, Greece.
- Sagris, C. David, E. Stergianni, C. Tsiafis, I. Tsiafis, «Computational and experimental analysis of machine tool vibrations in micro-milling», International Conference on Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy IManE&E, May 25-26 Iaşi România, 2017.
- Stergianni, C. Tsiafis, D. Sagris, C. David, I. Tsiafis, «Computational and experimental analysis of machine tool vibrational phenomena in micro-milling process and their influence on work-piece topomorphy», 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN, 5-6 October 2017 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Kozatsas, K. Kotsakis, D. Sagris, K. David, «Individualized traditions. Tracing out pottery forming techniques through X-ray micro-CT in a pottery assemblage from Middle Neolithic Sesklo (Thessaly, Greece)», 15th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC), Barcelona, Spain, 16-18 Sept 2019.
- Friderikos O., Olive M., Baranger E., Sagris D. and David C. N., «A Space-Time POD Basis Interpolation on Grassmann Manifolds for Parametric Simulations of Rigid-Viscoplastic FEM», 7th International Conference on Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICMMEN), 2-3 July 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Κατσανεβάκης Αθανάσιος (Ph.D. in Chemical and Process Engineering), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στα «Ενεργειακά Συστήματα – Θερμικές Μηχανές».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Tsamaslis, G. Karagiorgis, A. Ν. Katsanevakis, «Hybridization of photovoltaics with pumped storage hydroelectricity – An approach to increase RES penetration and achieve grid benefits: Application in the island of Cyprus», Journal of Power Technologies 4, 336–341 (2017).
- Μ. Fletcher, D. K. Iatridis, A. N. Katsanevakis, A. A. Lappas, O. Monachos, M. Pourkashanian and A. Williams, «A new approach to optimizing ceramic Kiln operation utilizing industrial gas turbine exhaust gases», Int. J. on Energy for a Clean Environment, accepted for publication in April 2003.
- N. Katsanevakis and J. M. Smith, «Power Input and mean flow changes in two-phase agitation», IChemE Symposium Series 146, ISBN 085295 425 5, pp. 187-198 (1999).
- N. Katsanevakis, J. M. Smith, «Velocity and turbulence measurements in two-phase boiling stirred tanks», IChemE Symposium Series 136, ISBN 085295 329 1, pp. 603-610 (1994).
- M. Smith, A.N. Katsanevakis, «Impeller power demand in mechanically-agitated boiling systems», Trans IChemE 71, part A (1993).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Stamakos, A. N. Katsanevakis, «Industry standard compliant offshore wind speed measurements, on floating platform», European Wind Energy Conference, Hamburg, Germany, September 2016.
- Α. N. Katsanevakis, A. Gkanias, «Measurements for wind industry: Moving beyond the 10-minute averaged data», European Wind Energy Conference, Hamburg, Germany, September 2016.
- Α. N. Katsanevakis, D. Stamakos, K. Tifkitsis, P. Tsamaslis, I. Tsiafis, A. Gkanias, A. Kalfas, «Wind speed measurements in offshore applications using both mast and LIDAR on a floating platform», European Wind Energy Conference, Paris, France, November 2015.
- Stamakos, K. Tifkitsis, P. Tsamaslis, A. Gkanias, I. Tsiafis, A. Kalfas, A. N. Katsanevakis, «On the wave induced effects on the movement of wind speed floating measurement platforms», European Wind Energy Conference, Paris, France, November 2015.
- Stamakos, K. Tifkitsis, P. Tsamaslis, A. Gkanias, I. Tsiafis, A. Kalfas, A. N. Katsanevakis, «Offshore wind speed measurements from a floating platform: Is current industry standards applicable?», American Offshore Wind Energy Conference, Baltimore MD, USA, September 2015.
- Α. N. Katsanevakis, A. Gkanias, «On the uncertainty related with remote sensing short term wind measurements», European Wind Energy Conference, Wien, Austria, February 2013.
- Α. Gkanias, A. Ν. Katsanevakis, «Investigation of the wind tunnel blockage effect on a cup anemometer calibration», European Wind Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2012.
- Α. Gkanias, A. Ν. Katsanevakis, G. Karagiannis, «Investigation of CFD accuracy in a multiple mast and LIDAR site», European Wind Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2012.
- Α. Gkanias, Κ. Papatolios, D. Konstandinidis, G. Karagiannis, A. N. Katsanevakis, «A comparison of wind flow over complex terrain using CFD simulation and LIDAR measurements», European Wind Energy Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 2011.
- Α. Katsanevakis, G. N. Karagiannis, V. Sinnis, D. Konstandinidis, «Wind velocity modeling for wind park energy yield predictions: Achievements and limitations», European Wind Energy Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 2010.
- N. Katsanevakis, «Cogeneration in the Food Industry», European Cogeneration Conference 2007, Brussels, 9-10 May 2007.
- Α. Katsanevakis, G. N. Karagiannis, J. N. Katsanevakis, «Long distance wind potential predictions: Validation of modeling results vs simultaneous measurements», European Wind Energy Conference 2006, 28 Feb – 2 March 2006, Athens, Greece.
- N. Katsanevakis, J. Katsanevakis, G. Koutsoupas, «Operating data of the world’s first cogeneration of high temperature heat and power – CHTHP – plant», International Clean-Air Conference, Lisbon, June 2005.
- Α. N. Katsanevakis, P. Tsaliki, «International oil prices and production cost of the Greek industry», 9th Conference on Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Growth in South-East Europe, Univ. of Macedonia, Greece, Sep 2004.
- M. Fletcher, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, A. N. Katsanevakis, «Ceramic Kilns fired by industrial gas turbine exhaust gases», 13th IFRF Member’s Conference, Noordwijkkerhout, The Netherlands, May 15-18, 2001.
- Α. Ν. Katsanevakis, P. Tsemberlidis, L. Fletcher, M. Pourkashanian, D. Sofialidis, J. Katsanevakis, A. Lappas, «Application of the decentralized combustion mode with turbine exhaust gases –DCM/TEG- cycle in the Glass Industry – A novel approach for CHP integration in high temperature demanding processes», 1st Balkan Conference on Glass Science and Technology, Volos, Greece, 9-10 Oct. 2000.
- M. Fletcher, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, A. N. Katsanevakis, O. Faltsi, «A chemical kinetic study of a low-oxygen content air-Methane opposed diffusion flame», 2nd meeting of the Combustion Institute (Greek Section), Thessaloniki, 26-27 November 1999.
- Faltsi, A. Ν. Katsanevakis, P. N. Wild, C. Bratianu, «CFD modeling of diffusion lames – current developments», 3rd International Conference of Turbo-machinery, Bucharest, Romania, July 1998.
- Α. N. Katsanevakis, O. Faltsi, P. N. Wild, J. Katsanevakis, «Combustion off-gases recuperator modeling: CFD predictions and full-scale measurements», International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements VIII, Rhodes, Greece, May 1997.
- M. Smith, C. Stephen, A. N. Katsanevakis, S. Allinson, R. Lake, «Sparged agitated boiling reactors», IChemE Research Event, Manchester, January 1994.
- Α. N. Katsanevakis, J. M. Smith, «Impeller power demand in mechanically-agitated boiling systems», IChemE Research Event, Birmingham 6-7 January 1993.
- Κώστας Κλεΐδης (Ph.D. in Astrophysics & Cosmology), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής – Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στα «Εφαρμοσμένα Μαθηματικά».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Kleidis, H. Varvoglis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Interaction of charged particles with gravitational waves of various polarizations and directions of propagation», A&A 275, 309 (1993).
- Kleidis, H. Varvoglis, D. B. Papadopoulos and F. P. Esposito, «Non-linear interaction of a gravitational wave with a distribution of particles», A&A 294, 313 (1995).
- Kleidis, H. Varvoglis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Conditions on the stability of the external space solutions in a higher-dimensional quadratic theory of gravity», J. Math. Phys. 37, 4025 (1996).
- Kleidis, H. Varvoglis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Parametric resonant acceleration of particles by gravitational waves», Class. Quantum Grav. 13, 2547 (1996).
- Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «On the adiabatic expansion of the visible space in a higher-dimensional cosmology», Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 29, 275 (1997).
- Anastasiadis, K. Kleidis and H. Varvoglis, «Kinetic description of particle interaction with a gravitational wave», Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 29, 499 (1997).
- Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis, D. B. Papadopoulos and H. Varvoglis, «Higher-dimensional models in gravitational theories of quartic Lagrangians», J. Math. Phys. 38, 3166 (1997).
- Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Cosmological solutions in Kaluza-Klein theories of quadratic Lagrangians», J. Math. Phys. 38, 3189 (1997).
- Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Particle creation, renormalizability conditions and the mass-energy spectrum in gravity theories of quadratic Lagrangians», Class. Quantum Grav. 15, 2217 (1998).
- Io. Giannakis, K. Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Anisotropic null-string cosmologies», Mod. Lett. A 13, 3169 (1998).
- Kuiroukidis, K. Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Null strings in Bianchi I models: Dynamical anisotropy damping and consequences», Class. Quantum Grav. 16, 2763 (1999).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «Geodesic motions versus hydrodynamic flows: Dynamical equivalence and consequences», Class. Quantum Grav. 17, 2965 (2000).
- Kuiroukidis, K. Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «String theory and higher-order gravity theories in relativity and modern cosmology», Revue des Questions Scientifiques 172, 383 (2001).
- Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Interactive quadratic gravity», Phys. Lett. B 546, 112 (2002).
- Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis, D. B. Papadopoulos and L. Vlahos, «Magnetohydrodynamics and plasma cosmology», IJTP 46, 2283 (2007).
- Kuiroukidis, K. Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Alfven modes driven non-linearly by metric perturbations in anisotropic magnetized cosmologies», IJMP A 22, 2197 (2007).
- Kuiroukidis, K. Kleidis, D. B. Papadopoulos and L. Vlahos, «Excitation of MHD waves in magnetized, anisotropic cosmologies», A&A 471, 409 (2007).
- Kleidis, A. Kuiroukidis, D. B. Papadopoulos, and L. Vlahos, «Dynamo effects in magnetized ideal-plasma cosmologies», IJMP A 23, 1697 (2008).
- Kleidis, D. B. Papadopoulos, E. Verdaguer and L. Vlahos, «Imprints of cosmic strings on the cosmological gravitational-wave background», Phys. Rev. D 78, 024027 (2008).
- Kleidis, A. Kuiroukidis, D. B. Papadopoulos, and L. Vlahos, «Gravito-magnetic instabilities in anisotropically expanding fluids», IJMP A 23, 4467 (2008).
- Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis, P. Nerantzi and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Charged cosmic strings interacting with gravitational and electro-magnetic waves», Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 42, 31 (2010).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «A conventional approach to the dark-energy concept», A&A 529, Α26 (2011).
- K. Oikonomou and K. Kleidis, «Testing extra dimensions with boundaries using Newton’s law modifications», IJMP A26, 4633 (2011).
- Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis, D. B. Papadopoulos and E. Verdaguer, «Graviton production in the scaling of a long-cosmic-string network», Phys. Rev. D84, 124044 (2011).
- K. Spyrou and K. Kleidis, «Hydrodynamic flows versus geodesic motions in contemporary Astrophysics and Cosmology», in “New Developments in Hydrodynamics Research”, J. Ibragimov & M. A. Anisimov (eds.), Nova Science Publishers Inc. ISBN 978-1-62081-223-5, pp. 113 – 158 (2012).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Central charge extended supersymmetric structures for fundamental fermions around non-Abelian vortices», IJTP 53, 2623 (2014).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Extended supersymmetric quantum-mechanic algebras in scattering states of fermions off domain walls», IJTP 54, 933 (2015).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «Polytropic dark matter flows illuminate dark energy and accelerated expansion», A&A 576, A23 (2015).
- G. Contopoulos, F. P. Esposito, K. Kleidis, D. B Papadopoulos, and L. Witten, «Generating solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations», IJMP D 24, 1550101 (2015).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Shadowing effects in Newton’s law from compact extra dimensions», Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 13, 1550137 (2016).
- G. Contopoulos, F. P. Esposito, K. Kleidis, D. B Papadopoulos, and L. Witten, «Generating solutions to the Einstein field equations», IJMP D 25, 1650022 (2016).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «Dark energy: The shadowy reflection of dark matter», Entropy 18, 094 (2016).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Effects of finite-time singularities on gravitational waves», A&SS 361, 326 (2016).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Unification of late- and early-time acceleration, with that of the intermediate eras, by scalar fields», A&SS 362, 74 (2017).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «Cosmological perturbations in the ΛCDM-like limit of a polytropic dark matter model», A&A 606, Α116 (2017).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «LQC-corrected Gauss-Bonnett singular Cosmology», Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 15, 1850064 (2018).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «LQC scalar-field models», Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 15, 1850071 (2018).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Scalar field assisted f(R) gravity inflation», Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 15, 1850137 (2018).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Autonomous dynamical system description of de Sitter evolution in scalar assisted f(R)-Φ gravity», Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 15, 1850212 (2018).
- Kleidis and V. K. Oikonomou, «Study of an Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet quintessential inflationary model», Nucl. Phys. B 948, 114765 (2019).
- Kalpaktsoglou, S. Pouros and K. Kleidis, «Improving the efficiency of a wind turbine using thyristor-switched series capacitors – A simulation study», WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems 14, p. 33 (2019).
- Chasapis, D. Misirlis, P. A. Papadopoulos, and K. Kleidis, «Thermodynamic analysis on the performance of a low-enthalpy geothermal field, using a CO2 supercritical binary cycle», Chemical Engineering Transactions 76, p. 1009 (2019).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «Dark energy as a natural property of cosmic polytropes», Dynamics (MDPI) accepted (Dec 2022).
- Kleidis, Ap. Kuiroukidis, and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Gravitational vs magnetohydrodynamic waves in a class of magnetized cosmological models», Astronomy (MDPI) accepted (Jan 2023).
- L. Vozikis, K. Kleidis and S. Papaioannou, «The power spectrum indicator: A new, efficient method for the early detection of chaos», Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy accepted (2023).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «On the nature of nuclear galactic masses», in Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Pythagoreion Samos, September 16 – 18, 1999 (ed. J. Seimenis), p. 45 (2001).
- Kuiroukidis, K. Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «String propagation in Bianchi Type I models», in Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Pythagoreion Samos, September 16 – 18, 1999 (ed. J. Seimenis), p. 359 (2001).
- Kleidis, «Introducing quadratic gravity», in Proceedings of the International Workshop on “Cosmology and Gravitational Physics”, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 15 – 16, 2005 (eds. N. K. Spyrou, N. Stergioulas and C. Tsagas), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Conference Series, p. 103 (2006).
- Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Exploring the Universe on the back of a gravitational wave», in Proceedings of the International Workshop on “Cosmology and Gravitational Physics”, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 15 – 16, 2005 (eds. N. K. Spyrou, N. Stergioulas and C. Tsagas), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Conference Series, p. 77 (2006).
- Kleidis, P. Nerantzi and D. B. Papadopoulos, «Kerr – NUT seeds for cosmic strings», in Proceedings of the International Conference on “Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems”, Bucharest, Romania, October 5 – 7, 2007 (ed. V. Balán), Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press, p. 110 (2008).
- Kleidis, D. B. Papadopoulos and L. Vlahos, «Generalized Jeans-type instabilities in a homogeneous and anisotropic Universe», in «Spanish Relativity Meeting» 2008, at Salamanca, Spain, (ed. E. Verdaguer) 1 – 8 September 2008 (poster session).
- Kleidis, «Gravitational waves versus cosmic strings», Journal of Physics: Conference Series 189, 012021 (2009).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «A conventional form of dark energy», Journal of Physics: Conference Series 283, 012018 (2011).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «On the nature of dark energy», Journal of Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology 7, p. 48 (2019).
- Kleidis and N. K. Spyrou, «Polytropic DM fluid: An Occam’s razor approach to the DE concept», in Proceedings of the XXXI General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, August 2 – 11, 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea (ed. Jose Espinosa), p. 858 (2022).
- Μισηρλής Δημήτριος (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο σε «Θερμορευστομηχανική Μηχανολογικών Διατάξεων με έμφαση στους Εναλλάκτες Θερμότητας».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Tsinoglou, G. Koltsakis, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, «Modeling of flow distribution during catalytic converter light-off», Int. J. Vehicle Design 34, 231-259 (2004).
- Tsinoglou, G. Koltsakis, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, «Transient modeling of flow distribution in automotive catalytic converters», Applied Mathematical Modeling 28, 775-794 (2004).
- Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, A. Palikaras, K. Katheder, A. Goulas, «Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow field through a heat exchanger for aero-engine applications», Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 26, pp. 440–458 (2005).
- Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, P. Storm, A. Goulas, «Modeling pressure drop of inclined flow through a heat exchanger for aero-engine applications», Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 28, 512–515 (2007).
- Yakinthos, D. Missirlis, A. Palikaras, P. Storm, B. Simon, A. Goulas, «Optimization of the design of recuperative heat exchangers in the exhaust nozzle of an aero engine», Applied Mathematical Modeling, 31, 2524-2541 (2007).
- Albanakis, K. Yakinthos, K. Kritikos, D. Missirlis, A. Goulas, P. Storm, «The effect of heat transfer on the pressure drop through a heat exchanger for aero engine applications», Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 634-644 (2009).
- Albanakis, D. Missirlis, N. Michailidis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, H. Omar, D. Tsipas, B. Granier, «Experimental analysis of the pressure drop and heat transfer through metal foams used as volumetric receivers under concentrated solar radiation», Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 33, 246–252 (2009).
- Sideridis, D. Koutsonikolas, D. Missirlis, S. Topis, S. Kaldis, G. Skodras and G. Sakellaropoulos, «Computational fluid dynamics study on the decomposition of ammonia in a selective porous membrane», Chemical Product and Process Modeling 3, Article 42, (2008).
- Kritikos, C. Albanakis, D. Missirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, A. Goulas, P. Storm, «Investigation of the thermal efficiency of a staggered elliptic-tube heat exchanger for aero-engine applications», Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 134–142.
- Martinopoulos, D. Missirlis, G. Tsilingiridis, K. Yakinthos and N. Kyriakis, «CFD modeling of a polymer solar collector», Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1499–1508.
- Missirlis, S. Donnerhack, O. Seite, C. Albanakis, A. Sideridis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, «Numerical development of a heat transfer and pressure drop porosity model for a heat exchanger for aero engine applications», Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 1341-1350.
- Michailidis, F. Stergioudi, H. Omar, E. Pavlidou, D.N. Tsipas, C. Albanakis, D. Missirlis, B. Granier, «Micro-structural characterization of oxide morphologies on Ni and Inconel foams exposed to concentrated solar radiation», Journal of Alloys & Compounds 496 (2010) 644–649.
- Aidarinis, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, «CFD modeling and LDA measurements for the air-flow in an aero-engine front bearing chamber», Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (Vol.133, Iss.8) DOI: 10.1115/1.4002830.
- Kyriakou, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, «Numerical modeling of the vortex breakdown phenomenon on a delta wing with trailing edge jet control», Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 31 (2010) 1087–1095.
- Missirlis, M. Flouros, K. Yakinthos, «Heat transfer and flow field investigation of a heat exchanger for aero engine applications», Int. J. of Heat and Technology 29, 57-64 (2011).
- Yakinthos, D. Missirlis, A. Sideridis, Z. Vlahostergios, O. Seite, A. Goulas, «Modeling the operation of a system of recuperative heat exchangers for an aero engine with the combined use of a porosity model and a thermo mechanical model», Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6, 608-621 (2012).
- -D. Bouzakis, F. Klocke, A. Tsouknidas, S. Kombogiannis, D. Missirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, A. Sideridis, K. Yakinthos, A. Tzevelekis, G. Stabiliev, S. Bolz, «Development of a ball valve with PVD-coated Metal-to-Metal sealing mechanism», Journal of the Balkan Tribological As-sociation 18, 390–404 (2012).
- Vlahostergios, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, «Computational modeling of vortex breakdown control on a delta wing», International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 39 (2013) 64–77.
- Michailidis, F. Stergioudi, H. Omar, D. Missirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, S. Tsipas, C. Albanakis, B. Granier, «Flow, thermal and structural application of Ni-foam as volumetric solar receiver», Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 109 (2013)185–191.
- Missirlis, G. Martinopoulos, G. Tsilingiridis, K. Yakinthos and N. Kyriakis, «Investigation of the heat transfer behaviour of a polymer solar collector for different manifold configurations», Renewable Energy 68 (2014) 715-723.
- Vlahostergios, D. Missirlis, M. Flouros, C. Albanakis, K. Yakinthos, «Effect of turbulence intensity on the pressure drop and heat transfer in a staggered tube bundle heat exchanger», Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 60 (2015) 75–82.
- Goulas, S. Donnerhack, M. Flouros, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, K. Yakinthos, «Thermodynamics cycle analysis, pressure loss, and heat transfer assessment of a recuperative system for aero-engines», J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 137 GTP-14-1470, (2015).
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, S. Donnerhack, M. Flouros, A. Goulas, K. Yakinthos, «Investigation of the performance of different recuperative cycles for gas turbines/aero engine applications», Chemical Engineering Transactions 52, 511-516 (2016).
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, M. Flouros, S. Donnerhack, K. Yakinthos, «Numerical modeling of heat exchangers in gas turbines using CFD computations and thermodynamic cycle analysis tools», Chemical Engineering Transactions 52, 517-522 (2016).
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, K. Yakinthos, «Development of surrogate models for the prediction of the flow around an aircraft propeller», Int. J. Sust. Energy, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/14786451. 2016.1270283.
- Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, M. Flouros, C. Salpingidou, S. Donnerhack, A. Goulas and K. Yakinthos, «Optimization of Intercooled Recuperation in Aero Engines», Aerospace 4, 14 (2017).
- Salpingidou, D. Tsakmakidou, Z. Vlahostergios, D. Misirlis, M. Flouros, K. Yakinthos, «The effect of turbine blade cooling on the performance of recuperative cycles for gas turbines applications», Chemical Engineering Transactions 61, 1027-1032 (2017).
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, M. Flouros, S. Donnerhack, K. Yakinthos, «Development of a heat exchanger for low pressure ratio gas turbines with the use of CFD computations and thermodynamic cycle analysis», Chemical Engineering Transactions 61, 1033-1038 (2017)
- Salpingidou, Z. Vlahostergios, D. Misirlis, S. Donnerhack, M. Flouros, A. Goulas, K. Yakinthos, «Thermodynamic analysis of recuperative gas turbines and aero engines», Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 250–260
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, S. Donnerhack, M. Flouros, A. Goulas, K. Yakinthos, «Exergy analysis and performance assessment for different recuperative thermodynamic cycles for gas turbine applications», J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, GTP-17-1342 (2017) doi: 10.1115/1.4038362
- Salpingidou C., Deralas C., Misirlis D., Vlahostergios Z., Yakinthos K., 2018, Design and CFD modelling of a low-pressure turbine for aeroengines, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 697-702 DOI:10.3303/CET1870117, article in Scopus
- Misirlis D., Vlahostergios Z., Salpingidou C., Yakinthos K., 2018, Investigation of heat transfer and flow field development around a low-pressure turbine blade with the use of open source CFD tools , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 757-762 DOI:10.3303/CET1870127, article in Scopus
- Germakopoulos K., Salpingidou C., Vlahostergios Z., Misirlis D., Flouros M., Donus F., Papadopoulos A.I., Seferlis P., Yakinthos K., 2018, Efficient optimization of recuperator design for aero engine applications , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 835-840 DOI:10.3303/CET1870140, article in Scopus
- Christina Salpingidou, Dimitrios Misirlis, Zinon Vlahostergios, Michael Flouros, Stefan Donnerhack, Kyros Yakinthos, Numerical assessment of the performance of a heat exchanger for a low-pressure ratio gas turbine, Energy 164 (2018) 171-182
- Christina Salpingidou, Dimitra Tsakmakidou, Zinon Vlahostergios, Dimitrios Misirlis, Michael Flouros, Kyros Yakinthos, Analysis of turbine blade cooling effect on recuperative gas turbines cycles performance, Energy 164 (2018) 1271-1285
- Papadopoulos C., Kaparos P., Vlahostergios Z., Misirlis D., 2019, Numerical Analysis and Experimental Measurements of a Small Horizontal Wind Turbine Blade Profile for Low Reynolds Numbers, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 187-192
- Chasapis D., Misirlis D., Papadopoulos P.A., Kleidis K., 2019, Thermodynamic Analysis on the Performance of a Low- Enthalpy Geothermal Field Using a CO2 Supercritical Binary Cycle, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 1009 – 1014
- Misirlis D., Vlahostergios Z., Salpingidou C., Flouros M., Donus F., Yakinthos K., 2019, Numerical Modeling of Turbine Blade Cooling for Aero Engine Applications with the Use of Surrogate Models, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 271-276
- Papadopoulos C., Schmid M., Kaparos P., Misirlis D., Vlahostergios Z., 2020, Numerical Analysis and Optimization of a Winglet for a Small Horizontal Wind Turbine Blade, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1321-1326
- Vlahostergios Z., Misirlis D., Papadopoulos A.I., Seferlis P., 2020, Investigation of the Flow Field Development Inside a Rotating Packed Bed with the Use of CFD, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 883-888
- Bliamis C., Vlahostergios Z., Misirlis D., Yakinthos K., 2020, Modeling Surface Riblets Skin Friction Reduction Effect with the Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 595-600
- Misirlis D., Vlahostergios Z., Salpingidou C., Flouros M., Donus F., Yakinthos K., 2020, CFD Analysis of the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow around a Low-Pressure Turbine Blade, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 583-588
- Nikou T., Papadopoulos C., Vlahostergios Z., Misirlis D., Yakinthos K., 2021, Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Small Horizontal Wind Turbine Blade with Open-Source Software Using Advanced Turbulence Modelling, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 88, 895-900 DOI:10.3303/ CET2188149
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Yakinthos, D.. Missirlis, A. Palikaras, A. Goulas, «Heat exchangers for aero engine applications», IMECE2006-13667, Proceedings of IMECE 2006, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois USA.
- Seume , F. Herbst, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, 2006, «Numerical modeling of the unsteady interaction between probe and flow in axial turbo-machinery», The XVIII Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbo-machinery – Transonic and Supersonic Flow in Cascades and Turbomachines, Thessaloniki, 21- 22 September 2006.
- Sideridis, D. Koutsonikolas, D. Missirlis, S. Topis, S. Kaldis, G. Skodras and G. Sakellaropoulos, 2008. «Computational fluid dynamics study on the decomposition of ammonia in a selective porous membrane», Computer Aided Process Engineering Forum 7-8 February 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece (Power-point presentation).
- Klocke, C. Gorgels, E. Bouzakis, D. Misirlis, K. Yakinthos, «Experimental investigation and computational fluid dynamics modeling of micro blasting of coated cutting tools», Proceedings of the 7th International Conference ‘’ΤΗΕ’’ Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, 1-3 October 2008, Chalkidiki, Greece.
- Topis, D. Koutsonikolas, A. Sideridis, D. Missirlis, S. Kaldis, G. Skodras and G. Sakellaropoulos, «CFD study in a selective porous CMR for NH3 decomposition», Post ICIM10 Symposium, Catalytic Membrane Reactors in Mt. Fuji, Gotemba, Shizuoka, Japan, August 22-24, 2008 (Poster presentation).
- Yakinthos, S. Donnerhack, D. Missirlis, O. Seite, P. Storm, «Derivation of an anisotropic model for the pressure loss through a heat exchanger for aero engine applications», Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air, GT2009, June 8-12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Albanakis, D. Missirlis, P. Storm, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, «Experimental investigation of the effect of heat transfer on pressure drop for a heat exchanger for aero engine applications», ExHFT-7 : 7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28 June – 03 July 2009, Krakow, Poland.
- Kyriakou, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, «Numerical modeling of the vortex breakdown phenomenon on a delta wing with trailing edge jet control», Conference on Modeling Fluid Flow (CMFF’09) : The 14th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies, Budapest, Hungary, September 9-12, 2009.
- Missirlis, O. Seite, S. Donnerhack, K. Yakinthos, «Heat and fluid flow investigations on a heat exchanger for aero engine applications», ISABE 2009, 19th ISABE Conference, September 7-11, 2009, Montreal, Canada.
- Vlahostergios Z., Missirlis D., Yakinthos K., «Application of turbulence modeling on delta wing vortex breakdown control», 3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 21-23 September 2009 Hannover, Germany (Power-point presentation).
- Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, O. Seite, A. Goulas, «Modeling an installation of recuperative heat exchangers for an aero engine», GT2010-22263, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, GT2010, June 14-18, 2010, Glasgow, UK.
- Aidarinis, D. Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, «CFD modeling and LDA measurements for the air-flow in an aero-engine front bearing chamber», GT2010-23294, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, GT2010, June 14-18, 2010, Glasgow, UK.
- Yakinthos, D. Missirlis, O. Seite, Z. Vlahostergios, A. Goulas, «Modeling the operation of a heat exchanger for aero engine applications for real engine operating conditions», 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements, 9 – 11 June 2010, Marseille, France.
- Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, M. Flouros, Z. Vlahostergios, A. Goulas, «Flow field and heat transfer investigations in the exhaust nozzle of a recuperative aero engine», 5th International Gas Turbine Conference, 27-28 October 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
- Missirlis, K. Yakinthos, A. Goulas, Z. Vlahostergios, S. Donnerhack, O. Seite, M. Flouros, «Hot nozzle optimization and heat exchanger loss modeling», European Workshop on New Aero Engine Concepts, Munich, 30 June-1 July 2010.
- Michailidis, F. Stergioudi, Omar Haidar, D. Missirlis, C. Albanakis, P. Psyllaki, S. Tsipas, Z. Vlahostergios, B. Granier, «Application of Ni-foam as volumetric solar receiver: Flow, thermal and micro-structural evaluation», SOLARPACES 2010, The CSP Conference: Electricity, Fuels and Clean Water from Concentrated Solar Energy.
- Martinopoulos, D. Missirlis, G. Tsilingiridis, K. Yakinthos and N. Kyriakis, «Investigation of the heat transfer behaviour of a novel polymer solar collector», Third International Conference on Applied Energy – 16-18 May 2011 – Perugia, Italy.
- Bouzakis, F. Klocke, A. Tsouknidas, S. Kombogiannis, D. Missirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, A. Sideridis, K. Yakinthos, A. Tzevelekis, G. Stabiliev, S. Bolz, «Development of a ball valve with PVD coated metal-to-metal sealing mechanism», Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), 3-5 October 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Dimitriadis, D. Missirlis, G. Martinopoulos, «Investigation of the performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine with the use of blade element momentum theory and CFD computations», EWEA 2014, Barcelona, Spain: Europe’s Premier Wind Energy Event.
- Goulas, S. Donnerhack, M. Flouros, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, K. Yakinthos, «Thermodynamics cycle analysis, pressure loss and heat transfer assessment of a recuperative system for aero-engines», GT2014-26010, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2014 June 16 – 20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis and K. Yakinthos, «Computational flow analysis and development of a surrogate model for the prediction of the fluid flow and the 3D flow effects around a propeller», 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics Volos, 12 July – 15 July 2015.
- Yakinthos, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, M. Flouros, S. Donnerhack, A. Goulas, «Best strategies for the development of a holistic porosity model for the heat exchanger for aero engine applications», GT2015-42408, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Power for Land, Sea and Air GT2015 June 15-19, 2015, Montreal, Canada.
- Vlahostergios, D. Misirlis, M. Flouros, S. Donnerhack, K. Yakinthos, «Efforts to improve aero engine performance through the optimal design of heat recuperation systems targeting fuel consumption and pollutant emissions reduction», Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbo-machinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12, Paper ID: ETC2017-356, April 3-7, 2017; Stockholm, Sweden.
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, S. Donnerhack, M. Flouros, A. Goulas, K. Yakinthos, «Exergy analysis and performance assessment for different recuperative thermodynamic cycles for gas turbine applications», GT2017-63705, ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbo-machinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2017, June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.
- Vlahostergios, D. Misirlis, M. Flouros, C. Salpingidou, S. Donnerhack, A. Goulas, K. Yakinthos, «Development, numerical investigation and experimental validation of a new recuperator design for aero engines applications», GT2017-64362, ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbo-machinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2017, June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.
- Vlahostergios, D. Misirlis, M. Flouros, S. Donnerhack, K. Yakinthos, Efforts to improve aero engine performance through the optimal design of heat recuperation systems targeting fuel consumption and pollutant emissions reduction, Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12, Paper ID: ETC2017-356, April 3-7, 2017; Stockholm, Sweden
- Salpingidou, D. Misirlis, Z. Vlahostergios, M. Flouros, F. Donus, K. Yakinthos, Design optimization of heat exchangers for aero engines with the use of a surrogate model incorporating performance characteristics and geometrical constraints, GT2018-76097, ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway.
- Salpingidou, Z. Vlahostergios, D. Misirlis, M. Flouros, F. Donus, K. Yakinthos, Investigation and assessment of the performance of various recuperative cycles based on the intercooled recuperation concept, GT2018-76778, ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway.
- Tomas Grönstedt, Carlos Xisto, Vishal Sethi, Andrew Rolt, Nicolás García Rosa, Arne Seitz, Dimitrios Missirlis, John Whurr, Nicolas Tantot, Martin Dietz, Anders Lundbladh, Conceptual design of ultra-efficient cores for mid-century aircraft turbine engines, 24th ISABE conference, ISABE-2019-24335, 22nd – 27th September 2019, Canberra.
- Emmanuel Alexiou, Zinon Vlahostergios, Christina Salpingidou, Fabian Donus, Dimitrios Misirlis, Kyros Yakinthos, Intercooler Parametric Analysis for the IRA Engine Cycle Performance Augmentation, Paper No: GT2021-59187, V004T06A006; https://doi.org/10.1115/GT2021-59187, ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 7–11, 2021, Virtual, Online
- C Papadopoulos, P Kaparos, Z Vlahostergios, D Misirlis and K Yakinthos, 2D optimization of a Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine blade using flow control techniques, 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens , Virtual, September 2021.
- Μοσχίδης Νικόλαος (M.Sc.), Λέκτορας Εφαρμογών, με ειδίκευση στην «Τεχνολογία Συγκολλήσεων και την Εργαστηριακή Έρευνα Υλικών».
- Μωυσιάδης Αναστάσιος (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Dr.–Ing.), Καθηγητής Α’ Βαθμίδας – Διευθυντής του ΠΜΣ με τίτλο «Συστήματα αξιοποίησης ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας», με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στα «Στοιχεία Μηχανών – Ανυψωτικές & Μεταφορικές Μηχανές».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Theoretical Evaluation of Cottonseed Oil – Diesel Blends as automotive fuels via simulation of combustion on a ECFM3Z engine model», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Elements Methods and Structures) Benchmark, April 2008.
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Calculation of the power loses in a diesel engine by using lubricants of different viscosity. A theoretical approach via simulation of combustion on an ECFM3Z engine model», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS Benchmark, June 2009.
- Sachanas, A. Moissiadis and A. Mihailidis, «Electrical Contact Resistance measurement in elastohydrodynamic contacts», Journal of Balkan Tribological Association 22, 32-47 (2016).
- Moissiadis, J. Eleftheriadis, «Cost optimization in composite structures», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark NAFEMS Benchmark (2016).
- Moissiadis, B. Allilomis, «Structural optimization of the body of a bike», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS Benchmark (2016).
- Sachanas, A. Moissiadis and A. Mihailidis, «Metallic Contact of surfaces in elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication», Journal of Balkan Tribological Association (2016).
- Moissiadis, J. Eleftheriadis, «Reduction of friction of metallic surfaces, a FEM simulation study», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS Benchmark (2017).
- Moissiadis, E. Mimikos, «Structural and weight optimization of a tower crane», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS Benchmark (2017).
- Moissiadis, G. Tzionas, «Optimization of complex organic bone surfaces – the case of knee», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS Benchmark (2017).
- Moissiadis, J. Eleftheriadis, «Casting simulation of a long wind turbine blade», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark, NAFEMS Benchmark (2018).
- Moissiadis and A. Mihailidis, «Temperature distribution on gear teeth of helical gears», Journal of Balkan Tribological Association (2018).
- Moissiadis, J. Tzionas, «Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a solar car», BENCHmark NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Elements Methods and Structures), June 2019.
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Non-linear Optimization of Suspension Link», Journal for Modeling and Simulation, Altair Engineering Resource Library, Technical Papers, November 2019.
- Moissiadis, K. Panagiotidis, «Topology Optimization of a robot arm in an elevators production chain», BENCHmark NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Elements Methods and Structures), September 2019.
- Moissiadis, N. Dimitriadis, «Von mises stress analysis of gears using a sliding contact», BENCHmark NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Elements Methods and Structures), February 2020.
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Crash-safe vehicle Designs – An efficient structural analysis», Journal for Modeling and Simulation, Altair Engineering Resource Library, Technical Papers, June 2020.
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Tank sloshing – a structural analysis for fuel tanks on vehicles», Journal for Modeling and Simulation, Altair Engineering Resource Library, Technical Papers, September 2020.
- Moissiadis, J. Eleftheriadis, «Automotive seat design for crash load cases», Int. J. for Engineering Designers & Analysts Benchmark NAFEMS (12.2020).
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Moissiadis «Optimization of complex organic bone surfaces – shoulder arthroplasty», Int. Conference for Engineering Designers & Analysts, March 2017, Oxford Shire, UK.
- Moissiadis, «Structural optimization of a crane hook», Int. Conference for Engineering Designers & Analysts, March 2017, Oxford Shire, UK.
- Moissiadis, «Dynamics of joints with organic bone surfaces», Int. Conference for Engineering Designers & Analysts, April 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, Ch. Tzovas, «Mesh creation for casting simulations», International Conference on Hyperworks, Stuttgart 1-4 November 2009.
- Afsaridis, An.Moissiadis, K. Gouderakis, «Aluminum Extrusion Optimization of two different profiles per hole», 5th International Hyperworks Technology Conference. Bonn, Germany 7- 9 November 2011..
- Moissiadis, D. Paschaloudis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Wind Turbine Blades», International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES) 2012, Hong Kong 11-13 April 2012.
- Moissiadis, D. Paschaloudis, «Mesh creation using Hyper mesh for Casting Simulation», International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics, October 2013.
- Anastasios Moissiadis, Vasileios Allilomis, «Structural Topology Optimization of bicycle frame», International Conference on Physics, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, March 2019, DEStech Publications Inc. Lancaster Pennsylvania
- “Impact of backlash, manufacturing deviations and friction on the load sharing factor of planetary gear systems”, Athanasios Mihailidis, Anastasios Moissiadis, Andreas Psarros, 6th International BAPT Conference Power Transmissions 2019, Varna, Bulgaria.
- Moissiadis, B. Allilomis, «Structural Topology Optimization of a carbon fiber frame of a bike», 6th Int. Altair CAE Technology Conference, Prague (2018).
- Moissiadis, S. Kouteliaris, «Simulation driven design of a portable Screen Hoop», 8th Int. Altair CAE Technology Conference, Frankfurt (2020).
- Moissiadis, L. Tsioraklidis, «Offshore wind turbines – structural analysis of the mountings», 8th Int. Altair CAE Technology Conference, Frankfurt (2020).
- Πανταζόπουλος Αθανάσιος (Ph.D. in Computer Science), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής – Αναπληρωτής Προέδρου του Τμήματος, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στην «Πληροφορική».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Deligianni and A. Pantazopoulos, “A mathematical model for automatic pattern recognition on the structure of cancellous bone”, Proceedings of the AMSE International Conference on Modeling and Simulation – 1987.
- Deligianni and A. Pantazopoulos, “The structure detection in trabecular bone through a pattern recognition method”, Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on System Modeling and Optimization – 1987.
- Ivanchev, D. Kydros and A. Pantazopoulos “A computational study of an algorithm for finding the k most vital elements of s-t planar directed networks”, Proceedings of the 25th Jub. Sum. School on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 1999, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Heron Publishing House. (ISBN 954-580-094-1)
- Δ. Κύδρος, Β. Μαμούδης, Γ. Ναυροζίδης και Α. Πανταζόπουλος, “Συμπληρωματική εκπαίδευση από απόσταση αποφοίτων τριτοβάθμιων εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων τεχνολογικής κατεύθυνσης με χρήση τηλεματικής τεχνολογίας και τεχνολογίας πολυμέσων“, 2ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο “Τεχνολογίες της Πληροφορίας και της Επικοινωνίας στην Εκπαίδευση“, Πάτρα, 2000.
- Σαγρής Δημήτριος (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering), Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στα «Βιομηχανικά Συστήματα Παραγωγής – Ρομποτική».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Sagris, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, «5-DOF robot base location optimization using a hybrid algorithm», Mecatronica, Vol.1, pp. 76-81, 2004.
- Sagris, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, «Geometric design optimization of spatial RR robot manipulator using a hybrid algorithm», Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Romania, Vol. 47, No.2, pp. 717-722, 2004.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, G. Maliaris, «Off-line programming of an industrial robot for manufacturing», International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 26, pp. 262-267, 2005.
- Mansour, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, E. Varitis, M. Pappa, «Reverse engineering of parts using 3D measuring device (CMM) by means of sp-lines», Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Romania, Vol. 49, No.3, pp. 575-582, 2006.
- -D. Bouzakis, D. Pantermalis, K. Efstathiou, E. Varitis, N. Michailidis, D. Sagris, I. Mavroudis, K. Vasteli, J. Kastner, D. Salaberger, «Design and manufacturing aspects, related to a vaginal speculum of antiquity, investigated by computer tomographies», Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 35, pp. 633-642, 2008.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Determination of optimum robot base location considering discrete end-effect or positions by means of hybrid genetic algorithm», Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 24, pp. 50-59, 2008.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Robot optimization by means of a hybrid genetic algorithm», Bulleting University Petrol – Gaze of Ploiesti, Series: Technical, Romania, Vol. LX, No.3A, pp. 131-142, 2008.
- Mansour, S. Mitsi, K. D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, E. Varitis, «Developed hybrid genetic algorithm for optimizing reverse engineering methods», International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 1/2010, pp. 43-48, ISSN 2067-3604, 2010.
- -D. Bouzakis, M. Batsiolas, D. Sagris, N. Michailidis, M. Pappa, E. Pavlidou, «Diffusion and oxidation phenomena at elevated temperatures in the contact area between hardened steel and various PVD coatings», Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 205, Supplement 2, pp. S115-S118, 2011.
- Sagris, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, «Spatial RRR robot manipulator optimum geometric design by means of a hybrid algorithm», The Romanian review precision mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics No. 39, pp. 141-144, 2011.
- Sagris, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, «Optimum geometric design for robot arm with geometric restrictions by means of a hybrid algorithm», Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association 18 (3), pp. 325-333, 2012.
- -D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, S. Kombogiannis, T. Papaefthimiou, V. Cambanis, A. Chatzinas, A. Linder, «Newly constructed basement reduces vibrations», ZKG International 65 (5), pp. 62-69, 2012.
- Mansour, D. Sagris, Ch. Tsiafis, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, «Evolution of a hybrid method for industrial manipulator design optimization», Journal of Production Engineering 16, No.1, pp. 35-38, 2013.
- Stergioudi, E. Kaprara, K. Simeonidis, D. Sagris, M. Mitrakas, G. Vourlias, N. Michailidis, «Copper foams in water treatment technology: removal of hexavalent chromium», Materials & Design Vol. 87, pp. 287–294, 2015.
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, G. Mansour, C. David, D. Sagris, «Orthogonal cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy using experimental and theoretical analysis», Applied Mechanics & Materials 809-810, pp. 183-188, 2015.
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, D. Sagris, C. David, G. Mansour, «Experimental analysis of Ti6Al4V orthogonal cutting», Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech Publications 665, pp. 17-20, 2016.
- Mansour, K. Tzikas, D. Tzetzis, A. Korlos, D. Sagris, C. David, «Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Torsional Behaviour of Filament Winding-Manufactured Composite Tubes», Applied Mechanics & Materials 834, pp. 173-178, 2016.
- Michailidis, F. Stergioudi, P. Seventekidis, A. Tsouknidas, D. Sagris, «Production of porous copper with high surface area for efficient water purification», CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 85-89, 2016.
- Korlos, D. Tzetzis, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, C. David, «The Delamination Effect of Drilling and Electro-Discharge Machining on the Tensile Strength of Woven Composites as Studied by X-ray Computed Tomography», Int. J. of Machining and Machinability of Materials, Vol. 18, No 4, pp. 426-448, 2016.
- Tsouknidas, M. Pantazopoulos, D. Sagris, D. Fasnakis, S. Maropoulos, F. Arabatzi, N. Michailidis, «The effect of body mass on the shoe-athlete interaction», Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Vol. 201, Article ID: 7136238, 2017.
- Mansour, D. Sagris, A. Tsagaris, «CMM path planning, position and orientation optimization using a hybrid algorithm», International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME), Vol. 11, N. 2, pp. 144-150, 2017.
- Stergianni, D. Sagris, C. Tsiafis, C. David, I. Tsiafis, Influence Analysis of Micro-Milling Vibrational Phenomena on Workpiece Topomorphy, Solid State Phenomena, vol. 261, pp. 77-84, 2017.
- Naka, B.J. Millar, D. Sagris, C. David, Do composite resin restorations protect cracked teeth? An in-vitro study, Springer Nature: British Dental Journal, Vol. 225(3), pp. 223-228, DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2018.539, 2018.
- Toulfatzis, G. Pantazopoulos, C. David, D. Sagris, A. Paipetis, Machinability of Eco-Friendly Lead-Free Brass Alloys: Cutting-Force and Surface-Roughness Optimization, Metals, Vol. 8(4), 250; DOI: 10.3390/met8040250, 2018.
- Toulfatzis, G. Pantazopoulos, C. David, D. Sagris, A. Paipetis, Final Heat Treatment as a Possible Solution for the Improvement of Machinability of Pb-Free Brass Alloys, Metals, Vol. 8(8), 575; DOI: 10.3390/met8080575, 2018.
- Kozatsas, K. Kotsakis, D. Sagris, K. David, Inside out: Assessing pottery forming techniques with micro-CT scanning: An example from Middle Neolithic Thessaly, Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 100, pp. 102-119, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2018.10.007, 2018.
- David, D. Sagris, E. Stergianni, Ch. Tsiafis, I. Tsiafis, Experimental analysis of the effect of vibration phenomena on workpiece topomorphy due to cutter runout in end-milling process, Machines, vol. 6 (3), no. 27, DOI: 10.3390/machines6030027, 2018.
- Tsagaris, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, Off-line robot optimization with hybrid algorithm, In: Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics, Mechanisms and Machine Science, Springer, Vol. 67, pp. 351-358, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00232-9_37, 2019.
- Friderikos, D. Sagris, C. N. David, A. Korlos, Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Bands in Orthogonal Machining of Ti6Al4V Using a Rigid-Viscoplastic Finite Element Analysis, Metals, Vol. 10, 338; DOI: 10.3390/met10030338, 2020.
- Gkouvas, F. Agathangelidis, C. Nakas, C. David, D. Sagris, G. Petsatodis, Biomechanical comparison of six intramedullary nails, for the treatment of extra-articular, proximal tibial fractures, Hippokratia 2019, vol. 23, 2: pp. 58-63, 2020.
- Varitis, K. Rinos, D. Sagris, Hybrid algorithm for automatic processing of 3D models in STEP-File form, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 2021 (Accepted)
- Friderikos, M. Olive, E. Baranger, D. Sagris, C. David, A Non-Intrusive Space-Time Interpolation from Compact Stifel Manifolds of Parametrized Rigid-Viscoplastic FEM Problems, HAL, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02880322, 2020, (submitted).
- Didagelos, O. Friderikos, A. Pagiantza, D. Sagris, H. Karvounis, A. Ziakas, K. David, Mitral valve regurgitation according to Carpentier’s classification and development of 3D computational models, Future Cardiology, (Submitted), 2021.
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, G. Maliaris, D. Sagris, «Offline programming of an industrial robot for welding», Proceedings of 3rd CIRP International Seminar of Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, ICME, Ischia, Italy, pp. 557-562, 2002.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, G. Maliaris, «Offline programming of an industrial robot for manufacturing», Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 3-4, Sani-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 769-776, 2002.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Optimization of robot base location using a hybrid genetic algorithm», Proceedings of 4th CIRP International Seminar of Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, ICME, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 139-144, 2004.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «A multi-objective optimum robot base placement using a hybrid genetic algorithm», International Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, SYROM 2005, Bucharest, Vol.3, pp. 709-714, 2005.
- -D. Bouzakis, D. Pantermalis, K. Efstathiou, E. Varitis, N. Michailidis, I. Mavroudis, D. Sagris, A. Asimakopoulos, «Design and manufacturing aspects, related to a vernal speculum and to a carriage suspension head of antiquity, investigated by computer tomographies and FEM simulation techniques», 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN) and EUREKA Brokerage Event, October 5-7, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 3-22, 2005.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «A multi-objective optimum robot base placement using a hybrid genetic algorithm», Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 5-7, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 341-349, 2005.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Geometric design optimization of spatial RR robot manipulator using a hybrid algorithm», Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 5-7, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 373-380, 2005.
- -D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, E. Varitis, D. Sagris, «Processing of CMM point clouds by means of genetic algorithm for the solid modeling of parts and NC-code creation», Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 5-7, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 633-642, 2005.
- Mansour, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, E. Varitis, «Reserve engineering of parts by means of polynomial curves», Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 5-7, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 653-660, 2005.
- Mansour, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, E. Varitis, «Optimization of point clouds registration by means of a hybrid algorithm», Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle XIV Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1224-5615, pp. 5-10, 2005.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «A multi-objective optimum robot placement using a hybrid genetic algorithm», Mechanisms and manipulators, ARoTMM – IFToMM, Vol.6, Nr.1, pp. 19-26, 2007.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Optimum collision free robot path planning using a hybrid genetic algorithm», International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, ICMS, October 18-19, Iasi-Romania, pp. 369-376, 2007.
- Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Robot path planning optimization, free of collisions, using a hybrid algorithm», Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 1-3, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 475-484, 2008.
- -D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, S. Kombogiannis, Th. Papaefthimiou, V. Cambanis, «Vibration’s reduction of industrial fans by optimizing their foundation», Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 3-5, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 187-196, 2011.
- -D. Bouzakis, D. Sagris, S. Kombogiannis, Th. Papaefthimiou, V. Cambanis, A. Linder, «Cement mill driving pinion housing basement optimizing for vibrations decreasing», Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 3-5, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 215-224, 2011.
- Sagris, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Mansour, «Optimum geometric design for robot arm with geometric restrictions by means of a hybrid algorithm», Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), October 3-5, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 459-466, 2011.
- -D. Bouzakis, M. Batsiolas, D. Sagris, N. Michailidis, M. Pappa, E. Pavlidou, «Diffusion and oxidation phenomena at elevated temperatures in the contact area between hardened steel and various PVD coatings», Proceedings of the 9th International Conference THE-“A” Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, October 3-5, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 327-334, 2011.
- David, A. Antoniadis, O. Friderikos, D. Sagris, «Experimental and computational investigation of end-milling and development of a simulation model describing the machining process», Proceedings of the 7th International Conference “New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education” (NHIBE 2011), 25-26 August 2011, Chios Island, Greece, pp. 538-543, 2011.
- Tsagaris, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Intelligent C.A.D. based system for C.N.C. machine controlling by genetic algorithms», INES 2012 – IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings, art. no. 6249837, pp. 235-239, 2012.
- Mansour, A. Tsagaris, D. Sagris, «CNC machining optimization by genetic algorithms using CAD-based system», Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Diagnosis and Prediction in Mechanical Engineering Systems (DIPRE 12), May 31 – June 1, Galati, Romania, pp. 1-6, 2012.
- Mansour, D. Sagris, Ch. Tsiafis, S. Mitsi, K.-D. Bouzakis, «Evolution of a hybrid method for industrial manipulator design optimization», ΜΜΑ2012, Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference of Novi Sad, September 20-21, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 247-250, 2012.
- Varitis, D. Sagris, C. David, A. Lontos, «Directional variation of trabecular bone in the femoral head, a μ-CT based approach», Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, Bioinformatics 2013, Barcelona – Spain, 11 – 14 February, pp. 237-241, 2013.
- Korlos, D. Tzetzis, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, C. David, «Comparison of drilling and electro-discharge open-hole machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymers», 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 Oct. 2014, pp. 41-50, 2014.
- Mansour, D. Sagris, «3D paths planning and simulation for off-line programming of Coordinate Measuring Machines», 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 Oct. 2014, pp. 171-178, 2014.
- Korlos, O. Friderikos, C. David, G. Mansour, D. Sagris, «Adiabatic shear band formation in orthogonal machining of Ti6Al4V», 4th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF IV), Skiathos, Greece, 24-26 June 2015.
- Friderikos, A. Korlos, C. David, D. Sagris, G. Mansour, «Formation of adiabatic shear bands in orthogonal machining of Ti6Al4V alloy», 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Volos, Greece, 12-15 July 2015.
- David, D. Sagris, E. Stergianni, Ch. Tsiafis, I. Tsiafis, «Experimental analysis of charter vibration on micro milling», CONFERENG 2016, Targu-Jiu, November 4-5, 2016.
- Toulfatzis, G. A. Pantazopoulos, C. David, D. Sagris, A. Paipetis, «Design of experiments for the optimization of cutting force and surface roughness of lead-free brass alloys», International Conference EUROMAT 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Stergianni, D. Sagris, C. Tsiafis, C. David, I. Tsiafis, «Influence analysis of micro-milling vibration phenomena on work-piece topomorphy», 9th International Congress on Precision Machining ICPM 2017 September 6-9, 2017, Athens, Greece.
- Sagris, C. David, E. Stergianni, C. Tsiafis, I. Tsiafis, «Computational and experimental analysis of machine tool vibrations in micro-milling», International Conference on Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy IManE&E, May 25-26 Iaşi România, 2017.
- Stergianni, C. Tsiafis, D. Sagris, C. David, I. Tsiafis, «Computational and experimental analysis of machine tool vibrational phenomena in micro-milling process and their influence on work-piece topomorphy», 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN, 5-6 October 2017 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Friderikos, M. Olive, E. Baranger, D. Sagris, C. N. David, «A Space-Time POD Basis Interpolation on Grassmann Manifolds for Parametric Simulations of Rigid-Viscoplastic FEM», 7th International Conference on Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (7th ICMMEN), 2-3 July 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Σίμογλου Χρήστος (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering), Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στις «Ηλεκτρικές Εγκαταστάσεις σε Σταθμούς και Διατάξεις Παραγωγής Ισχύος και Ενέργειας».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal self-scheduling of a thermal producer in short-term electricity markets by MILP,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 1965-1977, Nov. 2010.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal self-scheduling of thermal units during commissioning,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 181-188, Feb. 2012.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal self-scheduling of a dominant power company in electricity markets,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 640-649, Dec. 2012.
- G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Short-term electricity market simulation in pool-based multi-period auctions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 2526-2535, Aug. 2013.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, S.I. Vagropoulos and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Electricity market models and RES integration: The Greek case”, Energy Policy, vol. 67, pp. 531-542, Apr. 2014.
- G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal bidding strategy in transmission-constrained electricity markets”, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 109, pp. 141-149, Apr. 2014.
- K. Simoglou, E.G. Kardakos, E.A. Bakirtzis, D.I. Chatzigiannis, S.I. Vagropoulos, A.V. Ntomaris, P.N. Biskas, A. Gigantidou, E.J. Thalassinakis, A.G. Bakirtzis, and J.P.S. Catalão, “An advanced model for the efficient and reliable short-term operation of insular electricity networks with high renewable energy sources penetration,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 38, pp. 415-427, Oct. 2014.
- A. Bakirtzis, C.K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, D.P. Labridis, A.G. Bakirtzis, “Comparison of advanced power system operations models for large-scale renewable integration,” Electric Power Systems Research 128, pp. 90-99, Nov. 2015.
- K. Simoglou, E.A. Bakirtzis, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal operation of insular electricity grids under high-RES penetration,” Renewable Energy, vol. 86, pp. 1308-1316, Feb. 2016.
- G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal offering strategy of a virtual power plant: A stochastic bi-level approach“, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 794-806, Mar. 2016.
- I. Vagropoulos, E.G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “ANN-based scenario generation methodology for stochastic variables of electric power systems,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 134, pp. 9-18, May 2016.
- A. Bakirtzis, C.K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, A.G. Bakirtzis, “Storage management by rolling stochastic unit commitment for high renewable energy penetration,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 158, pp. 240-249, May 2018.
- K. Simoglou, E.A. Bakirtzis, P.N. Biskas, A.G. Bakirtzis, “Probabilistic evaluation of the long-term power system resource adequacy: The Greek case,” Energy Policy, vol. 117, pp. 295-306, Jun. 2018.
- K. Simoglou and P.N. Biskas, “Assessment of the impact of the National Energy and Climate Plan on the Greek power system resource adequacy and operation,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 194, May 2021.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, I.G. Marneris, and C.G. Roumkos, “Long-term electricity procurement portfolio optimization,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 202, Jan. 2022.
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- G. Bakirtzis, C.K. Simoglou, N.P. Ziogos, A.C. Tellidou, and G.A. Bakirtzis, “Electricity producer offering strategies in day-ahead energy markets,” in Proc. iREP Symposium- Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control – VII, Revitalizing Operational Reliability, 19-24 August 2007, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
- K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Electricity producer self-scheduling in day-ahead energy and reserves markets,” in Proc. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market – ΕΕΜ 08, 28-30 Μay 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
- K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Hydrothermal self-scheduling in day-ahead energy and reserves markets,” in Proc. 6th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, MedPower2008, 2-5 November 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “A MILP approach to the short-term hydrothermal self-scheduling problem,” in Proc. 2009 IEEE PowerTech Conference, 28 June – 2 July 2009, Bucharest, Romania.
- K. Simoglou, P. N. Biskas, and A. G. Bakirtzis, “Effect of increased RES penetration on the system marginal price of the Greek electricity market,” in Proc. 7th International Conference on the European Electricity Market – ΕΕΜ 10, 23-25 June 2010, Madrid, Spain.
- N. Biskas, C.G. Baslis, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Coordination of day-ahead scheduling with a stochastic weekly unit commitment for the efficient scheduling of slow-start thermal units,” in Proc. iREP Symposium- Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control – VIII (IREP), 1-6 August 2010, Buzios, RJ, Brazil.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Impact of Increased RES penetration on the Operation of the Greek electricity market,” in Proc. 7th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, MedPower 2010, 7-10 November 2010, Agia Napa, Cyprus.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, C.E. Zoumas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Evaluation of the impact of RES integration on the Greek electricity market by mid-term simulation,” in Proc. IEEE PowerTech Conference 2011, 19-23 June 2011, Trondheim, Norway.
- N. Biskas, G.H. Naziris, C.K. Simoglou, C.E. Zoumas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Market design effects on private producers in Greece,” in Proc. 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC’ 11, 22-26 August 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
- N. Biskas, C.K. Simoglou, C.E. Zoumas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Evaluation of the impact of IPPs on the Greek wholesale and retail electricity markets,” in Proc. 11th IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Euro PES 2012, 25 – 27 June 2012, Napoli, Italy.
- P. Panapakidis, C.K. Simoglou, M.C. Alexiadis, and G.K. Papagiannis, “Determination of the optimal electricity selling price of a retailer via load profiling,” in Proc. 47th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2012, 4-7 September 2012, London, UK.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal offering strategies in day-ahead electricity markets under uncertainty,” in Proc. 8th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, MedPower 2012, 1-3 October 2012, Cagliari, Italy.
- K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, E.A. Bakirtzis, A.N. Matenli, A.I. Petridis, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Evaluation of the Capacity Credit of RES: The Greek Case”, in Proc. IEEE PowerTech 2013, 16-20 June 2013, Grenoble, France.
- I. Vagropoulos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Synergistic supply offer and demand bidding strategies for wind producers and electric vehicle aggregators in day-ahead electricity markets”, in Proc. iREP Symposium- Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control – IX (IREP), 25-30 August 2013, Rethymnon, Greece.
- G. Kardakos, M.C. Alexiadis, S.I. Vagropoulos, C.K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Application of time series and artificial neural network models in short-term forecasting of PV power generation”, in Proc. 48th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2013, 2-5 September 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
- A. Bakirtzis, A.V. Ntomaris, E.G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “A unified unit commitment-economic dispatch model for short-term power system scheduling under high wind energy penetration,” in Proc. 11th International Conference on the European Electricity Market – ΕΕΜ 14, 28-30 May 2014, Krakow, Poland.
- A. Bakirtzis, D.I. Chatzigiannis, A.V. Ntomaris, C.K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Determination of load-following reserves in power systems with high wind penetration: An application to the Greek power system,” in Proc. 18th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014, 18-22 August 2014, Wroclaw, Poland.
- I. Vagropoulos, C.K. Simoglou, A.G. Bakirtzis, E.J. Thalassinakis, and A. Gigantidou, “Assessment of the impact of a battery energy storage system on the scheduling and operation of the insular power system of Crete“, in Proc. 49th Universities’ Power Engineering Conference – UPEC 2014, 2-5 September 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- V. Ntomaris, E.A. Bakirtzis, D.I. Chatzigiannis, C.K. Simoglou, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Reserve quantification in insular power systems with high wind penetration,” in Proc. ISGT Europe 2014, 12-15 October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Optimal bidding strategies of a mixed RES portfolio by stochastic programming,” in Proc. ISGT Europe 2014, 12-15 October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Hydrothermal producer offering strategy on a transmission-constrained electricity market – An MPEC approach,” in Proc. ISGT Europe 2014, 12-15 October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, S.I. Vagropoulos, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Bidding strategy for risk-averse producers in transmission-constrained electricity markets,” in Proc. 12th International Conference on the European Electricity Market – ΕΕΜ 15, 20-22 May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
- K. Simoglou, E.G. Kardakos, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Benefits of demand response on a wind power producer bidding strategy,” in Proc. IEEE PowerTech 2015, 29 June – 02 July 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- K. Simoglou, S.I. Vagropoulos, E.A. Bakirtzis, E.G. Kardakos, D.I. Chatzigiannis, P.N. Biskas, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Large-scale RES integration in electricity markets: Challenges and potential solutions”, in Proc. 50th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2015, 1-4 September 2015, Staffordshire, UK.
- I. Vagropoulos, E.G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Artificial Neural Network-based methodology for short-term electric load scenario generation”, in Proc. 18th Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems Conference and Debate, ISAP 2015, 11-17 September 2015, Porto, Portugal.
- I. Vagropoulos, G.C. Chouliaras, E.G. Kardakos, C.K. Simoglou, and A.G. Bakirtzis, “Comparison of SARIMAX, SARIMA, modified SARIMA and ANN-based models for short-term PV generation forecasting“, in Proc. 4th IEEE ENERGYCON 2016 Conference, 4-8 April 2016, Leuven, Belgium.
- Σοφιαλίδης Δημήτριος (Ph.D. in Computational Fluid Dynamics), Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στη «Μηχανική Ρευστών – Υδροδυναμικές Μηχανές».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Faltsi, O., Vlaev, S. D., Sofialidis, D. & Kirpitsas, J. (2006) «Novel Areas and Future Trends of Computational Fluid Dynamics Software Applications in Chemical Engineering», Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 12(4), pp. 213-219.
- Skodras, G., Kaldis, S.P., Sofialidis, D., Faltsi, O., Grammelis, P. & Sakellaropoulos, S. P. (2006) «Particulate Removal via Electrostatic Precipitators-CFD Simulation», Fuel Processing Technology, 87(7), pp. 623-631.
- Sofialidis, D., Faltsi, O., Sardi, K., Skevis, G., Skodras, G., Kaldis, S. P. & Sakellaropoulos, G. P. (2005) «Modeling Low-Temperature Carbonization of Solid Fuels in a Heated Rotary Kiln for Clean Fuel Production», Fuel, 84(17), pp. 2211-2221.
- Skodras, G., Kaldis, S. P., Sakellaropoulos, G. P., Sofialidis, D. & Faltsi, O. (2003) «Simulation of a Molten Bath Gasifier by Using a CFD Code», Fuel, 82(15–17)), pp. 2033–2044.
- Prinos, P., Sofialidis, D. & Keramaris E. (2003) «Turbulent Flow Over and Within a Porous Bed», J. of Hydraulic Eng., ASCE, 129(9), pp. 720–733.
- Sofialidis, D. & Faltsi, O. (2001) «Simulation of Biomass Gasification in Fluidized Beds using Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach», J. Thermal Science, 5(2), pp. 95-
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1999) «Turbulent Flow in Open Channels with Smooth and Rough Flood Plains», J. of Hydraulic Res., IAHR, 37(5), pp. 615-
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1999) «Numerical Study of Momentum Exchange in Compound Open Channel Flow», J. of Hydraulic Eng., ASCE, 125(2), pp. 152-
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1998) «Compound Open–Channel Flow Modeling with Nonlinear Low–Reynolds k–ε Models», J. of Hydraulic Eng., ASCE, 124(3), pp. 253-
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1997) «Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Pipe with Wall Suction», Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40(15), pp. 3627-
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1996) «Wall Suction Effects on the Structure of Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow», J. of Fluids Eng., ASME, 118, pp. 33-
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Prinos, P. & Sofialidis, D. (2003) «Turbulent Flow over Periodic Hills», XXX IAHR Cong., Thessaloniki, Greece, Aug. 24-29, pp. 655–662.
- Soulis, J. V., Farmakis, T. M., Giannoglou, G. D., Fatsi, O., Sofialidis, D., Josipovic, J. & Louridas, G. E. (2003) «Computational Hemodynamic of Left Coronary Artery», Biomedicine 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Apr. 2-4, pp. 189–198.
- Sofialidis, D., Faltsi, O. & Katsanevakis, A. (2001) «Simulation of Biomass Gasification for Energy Production in Fluidized Beds using the Computational Fluid Dynamics Code FLUENT», 3rd Symposium of South–East European Countries (SEEC) on Fluidized Beds in Energy Production, Chemical and Process Eng. and Ecology, Sinaia, Romania, Sep. 25-29, pp. 261–268.
- Sofialidis, D., Faltsi, O. & Oprea, C. (2001) «Thermal Analysis of a Heated Cylinder at Cross Flow using the CFD Package ICEPAK3», 7th Int. Symposium Design & Technology of Electronic Modules, Bucharest, Romania, Sep. 20–23, pp. 21–26.
- Kaldis, S. P., Sakellaropoulos, G. P., Sofialidis, D. & Faltsi, O. (2001) «Modeling of Gas Separation Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules. One–Dimensional and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Approach», Eng. with Membranes, Granada, Spain, Jun. 3-6, paper C.2–3.
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (2001) «Microscopic Modeling of Turbulent Flow Over and Within a Porous Bed», XXIX IAHR Cong., Beijing, China, Sep. 16-21, pp. 888–895.
- Katsanevakis, Α., Tsemberlidis, P., Fletcher, L., Pourkashanian, M., Sofialidis, D., Katsanevakis, J. & Lappas, A. (2000) «Application of the Decentralized Combustion Mode with Turbine Exhaust Gases–DCM/TEG–Cycle in the Glass Industry. A Novel Approach for CHP Integration in High Temperature Demanding Processes», Proc. 1st Balkan Conf. on Glass Science & Technology, Volos, Greece, Oct. 9–10, pp. 410-
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1997). “Development of a Non–Linear Strain–Sensitive k–ω Turbulence Model”, Proc. 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Grenoble, France, Sep. 8-10, Vol. 2, pp. 89-P2.94.
- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1996) «Secondary Currents and Turbulence in Compound Open Channel Flow», Proc. 6th Symposium on Flow Modeling and Turbulence Measurements, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A., Sep. 8-10, pp. 711-718.
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- Sofialidis, D. & Prinos, P. (1995) «Turbulence Modeling of Steep Open Channel Flow», Proc. 9th Conf. on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., Jul. 10-14, pp. 893-904.
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- Voulgaris, P., Sofialidis, D., Fotea, K., Prinos, P. & Goulas, A. (1992) «Three–Dimensional Flow in Complex Rooms», Proc. 3rd Conf. on Energy and Building in the Mediterranean Area, Thessaloniki, Greece, Apr. 8-10, pp. 207-214.
- Φρειδερίκος Ορέστης (Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering), Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στην «Υπολογιστική Μηχανική».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Friderikos O., Sagris D., David C, Korlos A. Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Bands in Orthogonal Machining of Ti6Al4V using a Rigid-Viscoplastic Finite Element Analysis, Metals 2020, 10, 338.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E., Guillon D. Regularized Least Squares for the Building of a Sizing Criterion Based on Damage Mechanics, Composite Structures 2019, 234, 111653.
- Friderikos O., Baranger, Ladeveze P. Multiscale GFEM with superposition of crack enrichment functions driven by finite fracture mechanics: Theory, first computation and open problems, Composite Structures 2017, 164, 145-157.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E. Automatic building of a numerical simplified constitutive law for Ceramic Matrix Composites using Singular Value Decomposition, International Journal of Damage Mechanics2016, 25(4) 506–537.
- Korlos A., Friderikos O., Sagris D., David C., Mansour G. Experimental analysis of Ti6Al4V orthogonal cutting, Key Engineering Materials2016, 665, 17-20.
- Korlos A., Friderikos O., Mansour G., David C., Sagris D. Orthogonal cutting of Ti6Al4V alloy using experimental and theoretical analysis, Applied Mechanics and Materials2015, 809-810, 183-188.
- Friderikos O., Maliaris G., David C. N., Tsiafis I. An investigation of cutting-edge failure due to chip crush in carbide dry hobbing using the finite element method, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2011, 57, 1-4, 297-306 (10).
- Bouzakis K.-D., Friderikos O., Tsiafis I. FEM Supported Simulation of Chip Formation and Flow in Gear Hobbing of Spur and Helical Gears, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 2008, 1, 18–26.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Lili E.N., Michailidis N., Friderikos O. Manufacturing of Cylindrical Gears by Generating Cutting Processes: A critical synthesis of analysis methods CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 2008, 57, 676–696.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E., Olive M., Neron D. On the stability of POD Basis Interpolation via Grassmann Manifolds for Parametric Model Order Reduction in Hyperelasticity, submitted to Computers and Structures, preprint: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02902214/?
- Friderikos O., Olive M., Baranger E., Sagris D. and David C. N.A Non-Intrusive Space-Time Interpolation from Compact Stiefel Manifolds of Parametrized Rigid-Viscoplastic FEM Problems, submitted to Computational Mechanics, preprint: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02880322/
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Friderikos O., Olive M. Non-Intrusive Space-Time POD Basis Interpolation from Compact Stiefel Manifolds Applied to Parametric Rigid-Viscoplastic FEM Problems, 14thWorld Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM), ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 11–15 January 2021, Paris, France.
- Friderikos O., Olive M., Baranger E., Sagris D., David C. N. A Space-Time POD Basis Interpolation on Grassmann Manifolds for Parametric Simulations of Rigid-Viscoplastic FEM,7thInternational Conference on Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICMMEN), 2-3 July 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Friderikos O., Mora M., Baranger E., Neron D. Evaluation of Methods for POD Basis Interpolation on Grassmann Manifolds for Simulations of Complex Hyperelastic Structures, 8th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB2019), September 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Friderikos O., Mora M., Selmi M., Baranger E., Neron D. Simulation of the Mitral Valve Mechanics Using an Interpolation of POD Basis for Parametric Analysis, 25thCongress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 7-10, 2019,Vienna, Austria.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E., Guillon D. Multiscale Virtual Testing Analysis for Thermoplastic Composites Using Response Surface Models for Design Optimization, ECCM18 -18thEuropean Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, 24-28 Juin 2018.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E., Guillon D. Sizing Criterion of QSP Composites Parts Using a Virtual Testing Local Approach, JNC 20 –École des Ponts Paris Tech, 28 -30 juin 2017.
- Baranger E., Friderikos O. Construction automatique d’une loi de comportement numérique simplifiée: application à l’ endommagement des CMC, JNC -15Lyon-Villeurbanne, France, 30 June et 01 July 2015.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E., Ladeveze P. Pattern based description of a CMC yarn failure combining GFEM multi-scale & Finite Fracture Mechanics, Fourth International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures,3-5 June 2015, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (Paris), France.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E., Ladeveze P. Simulation of crack patterns in CMC combining GFEM –multiscale & Finite Fracture Mechanics, 11thWorld Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 20-25 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E. Model Reduction of a Complex Constitutive Law for Ceramic Matrix Composites using the Singular Value Decomposition, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 2-5 September 2014, Naples, Italy.
- Friderikos O., Baranger E. Dimensionality reduction of a complex constitutive law for Ceramic Matrix Composites, YIC 2013 –2ndECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, 2-6 September 2013, Bordeaux, France.
- Friderikos O. Two-Dimensional Rigid-Plastic FEM Simulation of Simple Metal Forming Processes in MATLAB, 2011, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN) 607-619, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece.
- David C., Antoniadis A., Friderikos O., Sagris D. Experimental and Computational Investigation of End-Milling and Development of a Simulation Model describing the machining process, 7thInternational Conference New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education (NHIBE 2011), 25-26 August 2011, Chios, Greece.
- Friderikos O., Korlos A., David C., Tsiafis I. Investigation of Shear Instability in Orthogonal Machining of Ti6Al4V alloy using the Finite Element Method, 7thGRACMInternational Congress on Computational Mechanics, 30 June-2 July 2011, Athens, Greece.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Chatzis K., Friderikos O., Kombogiannis S. Effect of chip geometry and cutting kinematic on the wear of coated PM HSS tools in milling, Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference ‘THE’ Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, 2008, 197-208, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Friderikos O., Tsiafis I. FEM Supported Simulation of Chip Formation and Flow in Gear Hobbing of Spur and Helical Gears, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), 2008, 3-20, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece, (Plenary presentation).
- Bouzakis K.-D., Friderikos O., Tsiafis I. FEM Supported Simulation of Chip Formation and Flow in Gear Hobbing of Helical Gears, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, 2007, 34-43, Bath, United Kingdom.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Friderikos O., Mirisidis I., Tsiafis I. FEM-based simulation of the cutting process in gear hobbing with various kinematics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), 2005, 97-110, Kallithea-Chalkidiki, Greece.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Friderikos O., Mirisidis I., Tsiafis I. Determination of Chip Geometry and Cutting Forces in Gear Hobbing by a FEM-based Simulation of the Cutting Process, Proceedings of the 8thCIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, 2005, 49-58, Chemnitz, Germany.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Friderikos O., Maliaris G., Lili E.N., Kombogiannis S., Korlos A. Chip formation in gear hobbing, visualized by means of FEM supported techniques, 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation In Manufacturing Engineering CIRP ICME’04, 2004, 399-401, Sorrento, Italy.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Kompogiannis S., Friderikos O., Anastopoulos J. Cutting performance increasing in gear hobbing by means of HSS hobs, coated with effective PVD films, Proceedings of the International Conference, Power Transmissions, 2003, 41-46.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Tsiafis I., Lontos A., Michailidis N., Anastopoulos I., Kalogirou M., Friderikos O. Study of mechanical properties of various epoxy resin types by means of macro intentations and its FEM simulation, Proceedings of the 1stInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN),2002, 525-541, Chalkidiki, Greece.
- Bouzakis K.-D., Tsiafis I., Friderikos O., Petridou C., Sampsonidis D. Assembly, and test of high precision drift tube chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, Proceedings of the 1stInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), 2002, 799-816, Chalkidiki, Greece.
- Χασάπης Δημήτριος (Ph.D. in Applied Physics), Καθηγητής Α’ Βαθμίδας, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο και ερευνητικό έργο στη «Φυσική – Θερμοδυναμική».
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- C. Vlachou, J.S. Lioumbas, K. David, D. Chasapis, C. Schwarz, J. W. A. van Loon, T.D. Karapantsios, «Subcooled flow boiling in horizontal and vertical macro-channel under Earth-gravity and hyper-gravity conditions», International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 133:36-51 (2019).
- Chasapis, D. Misirlis, P. A. Papadopoulos, and K. Kleidis, «Thermodynamic analysis on the performance of a low-enthalpy geothermal field, using a CO2 supercritical binary cycle», Chemical Engineering Transactions 76, p. 1009 (2019).
- C. Vlachou, J. S. Lioumbas, C. David, D. Chasapis, T. D. Karapantsios, «Effect of channel height and mass flux on highly sub-cooled horizontal flow boiling», Exp. Thermal and Fluid Science 83 157-168 (2017).
- Sakonidou, E. P., Karapantsios, T. D., Balouktsis, A. I., Chassapis, D., «Corrigendum to “Modeling of the optimum tilt of a solar chimney for maximum air flow» [Sol. Energy 82 (2008) 80-94]”, Solar Energy 86 (2): 809 (2012).
- P. Sakonidou, T. D. Karapantsios, A. I. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, «Modeling of the optimum tilt of a solar chimney for maximum air flow», Solar Energy 82, 80-94 (2008).
- Chassapis, T. D. Karapantsios, A. Balouktsis, «Incorporation of hydrodynamic interaction forces to molecular statistical theory of temporary polymer networks in solution», European Polymer Journal 43, 3236-3249 (2007).
- Chassapis, A. Balouktsis, T. D. Karapantsios, «Flow birefringence of temporary polymer networks», European Polymer Journal 38, 1071-1078 (2002).
- Vlachos, T. D. Karapantsios, A. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, «Design and testing of a new solar tray dryer», Drying Technology 20(6): 1243-1271 (2002).
- Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, T. D. Karapantsios, «A nomogram method for estimating the energy produced by wind turbine generators», Solar Energy 72(3), 251-259 (2002).
- Babos, D. Chassapis, «The calculation of the effective values of physical properties for random composites with circular inclusions», J. Phys. Solids 51, 209-215 (1990).
- Chassapis, G. Babos, R. Takserman-Krozer, Ε. Kröner, «Statistical mechanics of temporary polymer networks», Rheological Acta 28, 193-201 (1989).
- Ε. Kröner, D. Chassapis, R. Takserman-Krozer, «The physics of temporary polymer networks: a comparison of theory and experiment», Biological and Synthetic Polymer Networks, pp 185-205, O. Kramer (ed.), Elsevier Applied Science, London:1988
Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές
- Panagopoulos, E. Kirtas, K. Mimidis, I. Sous, A. Kappos, I. Lialiampis & D. Chasapis, “Inventory of the building stock in the city of Serres (Greece) for seismic vulnerability assessment and loss estimation”, 10th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, Opatija-Croatia, 29 June – 1 July 2015.
- D. Karapantsios, A. I. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, M. D. Petala, “A CFD model to estimate the effect of tilt and height on the natural air flow inside a solar chimney”, WSEAS conference, Venice – Italy, 21-23 November 2007.
- Balouktsis, A. Balouktsis, T. D. Karapantsios, D. Chassapis, C. David, K. Anastasiou “Load matching and optimization of directly coupled PV to water chillers pumping systems”, WSEAS conference, Venice – Italy, 21-23 November 2007.
- E. Theodoridou, D. Chassapis, A. Balouktsis, “The newly founded Department of Informatics in Serres: Its purpose and structure”, 3rd Global Congress on Engineering Education, Congress Proceedings, UICEE, ISBN: 0 7326 2201 8, p.p. 359-362 Glasgow Caledonian University 30 June – 5 July 2002.
- Α. Μπαλουκτσής, Δ. Χασάπης, Θ. Καραπάντσιος, «Δημιουργία Νομογράμματος για τον Υπολογισμό της Μέσης Παραγόμενης Ισχύος μιας Ανεμογεννήτριας», Τεχνολογίες Ήπιων Μορφών Ενέργειας και Περιβάλλοντος, pp. 187-195, Αθήνα 11-12 Δεκεμβρίου 2000.
Εργασίες σε διεθνούς κύρους επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές: 302
Εργασίες σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων με κριτές: 298
Εκ μέρους του Τμήματος Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών του ΔΙΠΑΕ,
ο Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος
Κώστας Κλεΐδης
Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής